hug man hugging little boy

Don’t Forget Your Customers In The Rush to CRM

The father of modern day marketing, Seth Godin recently writes about CRM – customer relationship management. He writes, “It might be more useful to think of our most important work as customer relationship leadership. CRL is voluntary. It’s done with customers and for them, not to them. It’s not an app,

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Entrepreneurship is Tough But Rewarding Says American Express Study

Two of my mentors, Lamar Tyler and Brian Hess share very openly that entrepreneurship is NOT easy. However, the rewards are amazing. American Express issued its third Amex Trendex: Small Business Edition which echoes this sentiment. The report reveals that despite economic uncertainties, the personal drive and long-term aspirations of

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10 Ways to Overcome Depression As a Small Business Owner

Commercial pilots are humans, they struggle with depression. They’re often seen as super humans or heroes, just like many small business owners. The challenge is that disclosing how pilots feel and what medications they could be taking, could affect their career. The Dallas Morning News writes, “Recently, the FAA published the

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Three Traits Every Teen Entrepreneur Must Have

Young Entrepreneur Academy is an organization helping high-school students learn about and practice the principles of entrepreneurship. Over a day and a half I had the honor of participating in YEA’s annual event for students in their program. The students I mentored and learned with had several things in common.

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How to Fake It Until You Make It. The Right Way.

Fake it until you make it, is a phrase that some of us fully embrace and some are averse to. Others say yes, to it, but with some caveats. In today’s Brian Hess Show , Brian Hess, founder of 1Team Media and other businesses, touches on this topic. Let me

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Customer Loyalty - Intuit Mailchimp Survey

4 Pillars of Customer Brand Loyalty Intuit Mailchimp Study Reveals

Customer brand loyalty is essential for your business. Having customers buying from you again and again and again is important. Intuit Mailchimp’s study says that it’s SCIENCE, not luck. It’s ingrained into our human brains. To understand the underlying science behind loyal decision-making, Intuit Mailchimp partnered with strategic insights practice

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Million-Dollar CEO Welcomes FTC’s New Non-Compete Rule

The FTC announced that non-compete agreements are banned. “High-paid” executives could be exempt and we’ll see how the law filters out over the next few months. Some companies are saying that non-competes are needed, and the US Chamber is suing to keep non-competes on behalf of its members. However, Brian

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