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Social media platforms have dominated the online marketing world for many years. With millions of users each day, it’s no wonder why businesses and creators turn to these platforms for brand exposure. However, recent news suggests that some of these popular platforms may be going away. This raises a question for small business owners, is it really okay if these platforms disappear? The answer is simple, focus on building your own platform, such as an email list and website, this way you won’t have to worry about losing followers, fans or potential clients. This blog post will explore why small businesses need to focus on building their email list and website.

Email List

Building an email list is an essential marketing tool for small businesses. An email list is made up of people who have given permission for businesses to access their personal information. They are people who are interested in the services or products that businesses are offering. These individuals are potential and loyal customers who will likely buy from businesses with relevant and captivating email marketing campaigns. Once a small business has an email list, they can communicate promotions, updates, new products, or any other business-related news to their email subscribers. Additionally, if social media platforms go away or become less popular, small businesses can still reach their audience through the email list.

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Having a solid website is also essential for small businesses. It acts as a base for the branding and marketing efforts of a business. Your website is how your audience will learn about your services, products, or values. It gives you an opportunity to highlight your products or services through captivating imagery and text. A website makes it easier for potential customers to find your business online, and it helps build your credibility as a business owner. Furthermore, the website serves as a sales tool enabling businesses to make sales online. Small businesses need to ensure their websites are optimized to make it easy for their clients to navigate and make purchases.

Related: How to Build Your First Website

Social Media

As mentioned earlier, social media platforms can come and go. These platforms can change their algorithms, trends, or even disappear overnight. As a result, businesses can lose their audience in a split second. However, when small businesses focus on building their email lists and websites, they have control of all the data. As long as they have permission to contact their email subscribers and own their website, they will not have to worry about disappearing platforms. This is easy to do by adding a sign-up form for the email list on every page of your website.

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Your Customers, Your List

Another advantage of building an email list and website is the ability to access your most loyal and interested customers. Email and website analytics provide small businesses with vital data about their target audience that can be used to personalize campaigns even further. This data allows small businesses to know who to target with specific promotions. This way, you can give your clients exactly what they are looking for, increasing the probability of making more sales.

Social media platforms may come and go, but small businesses need to focus on building their email list and website. These platforms give small business owners control of their marketing efforts. An email list and website serve as a base where businesses can communicate with their customers and convey their brand voice regularly. With an email list and website, small businesses have more control over their marketing efforts. They own the data and if social media platforms do go away, they will still have access to their most loyal customers. Therefore, small businesses ought to build their platform and continue to update it regularly.

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