
12 Unconventional Keys to Success: The Legacy Titles by Glenn Lundy

A picture of the book cover, The Legacy Titles- By Glenn Lundy

There are a bunch of advice, strategies, and success stories that promise to unlock your potential and catapult leaders to the top of their game. But what if the key principles for success were not found in traditional Harvard Business School case studies or Wall Street boardrooms but in the unassuming pages of a book called “The Legacy Titles” by Glenn Lundy?

Dear entrepreneurs and business leaders, This post is for you! 

Today, we’re not just picking apart a theory; we’re dissecting a legacy—a manifesto of actionable principles that can transform your professional trajectory and, indeed, your life.

Glenn Lundy, the visionary speaker and author of “The Legacy Titles,” has laid out a roadmap that goes beyond business knowledge and dives deep into the human experience within an organization. 

The book provides a unique blend of practical wisdom wrapped in genuine care for the people behind the product. Lundy’s principles are not just for those with a C-suite title. They’re for anyone committed to becoming a better version of themselves every day.

Read: Unleashing Your Inner Genius: Dr. Genie Snyder’s Insights on Leadership

Let’s delve into the 12 core principles from Lundy’s book, each with the potential to redefine what success looks like in your professional life and beyond.

1. Wake up Early and Be a Creator

There’s a reason why the mantra of successful people seems to be “The early bird catches the worm.” In Lundy’s experience, those critical pre-sunrise moments are when you’re most untethered, most clear-headed, and free to create without distraction.

Waking up early sets the stage for a proactive mindset, allowing individuals to seize control of their day before it unfolds. 

Glenn Lundy emphasizes that this practice is about more than just avoiding the snooze button—it’s about dedicating the first hours of your day to creative endeavors that can drive progress in every aspect of life. 

For instance, a young entrepreneur might rise at 5 AM to brainstorm new business ideas or outline a product launch plan, finding clarity and inspiration in the quiet of dawn before the demands of the day set in.

But it’s not enough to simply wake up; you must wake up with intention. Crafting a morning routine that includes meditation, goal setting, and exercise can set a powerful, positive tone for your day and significantly increase your productivity.

2. Focus on Your Business Goals, Not Those Set by Others

It’s natural to look to industry benchmarks and competitor strategies for guidance. However, true success comes from aligning your actions with your unique business goals and values. Comparisons can breed inadequacy and steer your business off course.

By fostering an internal compass directed toward personal aspirations, entrepreneurs can cultivate innovation that distinguishes their services or products in the marketplace. Imagine a software company that shuns the typical growth-hack strategies of its competitors, choosing instead to prioritize customer privacy and data security above all else. 

This principled stance not only sets them apart but also attracts a loyal customer base that shares their values and builds a strong, trusted brand identity. 

Lundy urges leaders not to refrain from measuring their success by other people’s standards. Instead, carve out your path and relentlessly pursue it with passion and purpose.

Read: Worrying About Your Competitors Will Fail Your Business

3. Promote From Within

Lundy passionately advocates for cultivating a culture where internal promotions are the norm, not the exception. You don’t only reward loyalty and hard work, but you also foster a spirit of growth and development within your organization.

Promoting from within strengthens the company’s core by allowing employees to see a clear future for themselves within the organization. This can significantly boost morale and inspire others to strive for excellence with the knowledge that their efforts could be rewarded with advancement. 

For instance, let’s talk about a dedicated junior analyst at a marketing firm who rises to lead her department through hard work and sharp insight into several key projects. She uses her expertise and also her deep understanding of the company’s culture and vision to lead well.

Employees are more likely to invest in a company that invests in them. Promotion from within serves as a powerful motivational tool and can engender a sense of long-term commitment to your company’s success.

4. The 8-5-3-1 Formula

What does this cryptic formula mean? According to Lundy, it’s a structure for setting and achieving professional and personal goals. Each number represents a number of goals to set across various time frames:

  • 8 weeks (immediate goals)
  • 5 years
  • 3 years
  • 1 year

The idea is to maintain a clear vision of your objectives while breaking down the process into manageable chunks, making your aspirations less daunting and more attainable. 

For instance, your 8-week goal might be to increase your company’s social media following by 20%, an achievable short-term aim that serves your larger objective of expanding your digital presence. 

By the 1-year mark, the increase in engagement could pave the way for launching a successful new product line. It aligns with the 3-year goal of establishing market leadership and ultimately contributes to the 5-year vision of doubling the company’s revenue. 

Segmenting your goals in this way can ensure your focus remains balanced between immediate needs and long-term growth. It can also lead to a sustained and fulfilling journey toward success.

Read: How to Make The Perfect Goal-Setting Vision Board for 2023

5. Make People Feel Special Like They’re the Only Ones Present

This principle goes beyond customer service to the very heart of human connections. Lundy insists that every interaction should leave the other person feeling valued and significant. Building upon this principle, Lundy emphasizes the transformative power of empathy and genuine attention in every personal exchange. 

By actively listening and affirming their thoughts, you create a memorable impression that can yield lasting loyalty and trust. An example of this might be during a busy networking event, taking a moment to focus solely on the person you’re speaking with, giving them your undivided attention by maintaining eye contact, nodding affirmatively, and engaging with relevant, thoughtful questions, making them feel as if they are the most important person in the room.

In practice, this means active listening, genuine engagement, and making personal connections with your team and clients. Fostering this environment of respect and appreciation can lead to increased satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately—success.

6. Build a Family

Lundy’s philosophy sees a business not as a collection of workers but as a family. This familial approach reduces turnover, elevates team morale, and can yield a more resilient organizational structure. Building a family within your business also creates a supportive environment that extends beyond the walls of the office. 

When employees feel like family members, they are more inclined to go the extra mile, collaborate effectively, and communicate openly, fostering an atmosphere where innovative ideas thrive. 

During a challenging quarter, rather than facing downsizing, a family-oriented team might band together to brainstorm cost-saving measures or innovative solutions to drive revenue. 

Each member plays a pivotal role akin to siblings rallying during challenging times at home. By creating a work environment where everyone feels like they are part of something more significant, you encourage unity, collaboration, and an unwavering dedication to mutual success.

7. Be a Servant Leader

Servant leadership is about leading with humility, empathy, and a dedication to serving others. It’s a model that Lundy believes can create a harmonious and inspired environment. This approach is profoundly different from traditional leadership styles that place power and ego at the forefront. 

Servant leaders prioritize the growth and well-being of their teams and the communities to which they belong. They lead not by dictating but by ensuring that everyone’s voice is heard and valued. 

For example, imagine a scenario where a team member has proposed an innovative yet unconventional solution to a problem. 

A servant leader would not only encourage this sort of ingenuity but also actively assist in refining the idea and removing obstacles to its implementation. He demonstrates a genuine commitment to empowering the team. 

When leaders adopt this approach, they shift the focus from their power and success to nurturing the growth and well-being of their team. In this model, leaders serve first and then lead.

Read: Leading Compassionately: 8 Values for Successful Servant Leaders

8. Carry an Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude can be a powerful motivator. When practiced consistently, it shifts your perspective, leading to a more positive outlook and an increased willingness to take on challenges. It has the power to elevate workplace culture, creating an environment where employees and leaders alike recognize and celebrate each other’s contributions. 

Lundy suggests starting team meetings with a moment of appreciation, where members can express their thanks for support, victories, or hard work. 

Imagine concluding a major project. The team leader addresses the group, highlighting individual efforts and expressing sincere gratitude, not just for the successful outcome but for the collaborative spirit and dedication witnessed throughout the process.

Lundy encourages expressing gratitude daily, whether in the form of personal affirmations or as part of company culture. This practice can lead to a happier, more engaged workforce and a leader more attuned to the achievements of their team.

Read: 7 Ways Busy Entrepreneurs Can Radiate Gratitude

9. Hire and Fire on Character Not Credentials

In a world that often prizes resumes over character, Lundy’s recommendation may seem radical. However, he insists that the type of person you hire is infinitely more critical to your company’s success than their qualifications on paper.

Hiring on character grounds each decision in the fabric of your company’s culture and ensures continuity in values. Lundy argues that when employees share the same core principles and drive, they merge seamlessly into the organizational fold and propel it forward. 

Consider a hiring manager faced with two candidates. One candidate has a sterling resume but a history of clashing with coworkers, and another with less experience but a proven track record of collaboration and adaptability. 

The hiring manager, adhering to Lundy’s approach, may prioritize the latter candidate, trusting that their character will benefit the team and company in the long run.

Similarly, letting go of toxic team members—even if they’re high performers—can be necessary to maintain a positive and productive work environment. Your team is a direct reflection of the culture you cultivate, and character is non-negotiable.

10. A Team That Reads Together Leads Together

Sharing a book not only fosters a shared language and vision but also creates an intellectual bond among team members. Lundy believes that regular reading and team discussions on a chosen book can transform the way your company thinks and operates.

By encouraging a culture of collective learning, Lundy highlights that the team not only gains individual knowledge but also develops a shared understanding of complex concepts and strategies. This shared pursuit of knowledge can break down silos and encourage cross-departmental cooperation, leading to innovative problem-solving. 

For instance, a marketing team that reads up on the latest trends in consumer behavior together can more seamlessly integrate their insights into a cohesive strategy. They can make decisions that is informed by every member’s understanding and input. 

Select books that align with your company’s goals or that offer valuable lessons. Encourage dialogue and reflections that are beyond the immediate tasks at hand.

11. Walk the Walk

Leading by example is fundamental to successful leadership. Your team will look to your actions to inform their own. 

Authenticity and integrity breed trust and can inspire those around you to work towards the highest standards. It isn’t merely about setting high standards but also about embodying the values and work ethic you wish to see in your team. 

For instance, if a leader expects punctuality yet repeatedly arrives late to meetings, they send a message that their rules don’t apply to them. 

Now, imagine a scenario where a CEO consistently stays late to help the night shift solve problems. Such actions can powerfully affirm the company’s commitment to teamwork and support, influencing others to act similarly. 

It’s not enough to articulate the values and vision of your company; you must embody them daily in every action and decision you make.

Read: How To Become a Good Leader in Your Business

12. Train Your People on Life Skills, Not Just Job Skills

Lundy is an advocate for holistic training. In addition to job-specific skills, he believes leaders should invest in teaching their teams essential life skills. 

By equipping employees with life skills such as communication, emotional intelligence, and stress management, leaders prepare them to face a variety of challenges both within and beyond the workplace. 

For instance, a company might offer a workshop on financial literacy, helping employees manage their budgets. In return, this can reduce stress and improve focus at work. 

A holistic approach ensures that team members are not only proficient in their immediate roles but also grow as individuals. Additionally, it contributes to a more robust and resilient organization.

From financial management to time management, these life skills can lead to more confident and well-rounded employees who, in turn, are equipped to tackle complex challenges with inventive solutions.


The Legacy Titles by Glenn Lundy isn’t just a collection of feel-good leadership tactics. It is a radical reimagining of the possibilities within the workplace. It beckons leaders to cultivate a culture of possibility, creativity, and, above all, humanity.

As you contemplate these 12 principles, remember that success isn’t just about what you achieve but the kind of person you become in the process. In implementing Lundy’s framework, you are not just building a successful business; you are creating a legacy.

It’s time to set aside the conventional wisdom and take a leap of faith into the world of “The Legacy Titles.” Embrace these precepts, integrate them into your leadership style, and witness the transformation that comes when you truly embody the principles of success.

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