She Blogged Her Way To Television. You Can Too.

tv coverage
Dr. Janie Lacy

Dr. Janie Lacy is America’s favorite psychotherapist. She’s regularly featured on Court TV; is a resident expert on 90 Days In: Fiancé and other TV shows and media. Dr. Janie recently shared that one of the key ways she got more recognized was due to blogging.

She penned (or typed) a blog post about a popular story of trauma and relationships. This story was then picked up by a news outlet, which then got her featured on other media.

Blogging and overall content marketing, is a powerful way to build your personal brand. In this article I’m going to walk you through a few key reasons of WHY to blog to build your personal brand and HOW To blog to build your personal brand.

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What does it mean to blog?

At its core, blogging is about sharing your ideas, experiences, and insights in a structured, consistent manner on a digital platform. It’s a medium that allows for personal expression, but it’s also a strategic tool for professionals, businesses, and brands to establish an online presence, engage with their audience, and drive specific actions.

Blogging for Search Engine Traffic

Search engines love fresh, relevant, and quality content. By regularly updating your blog with well-researched, optimized posts, you increase your chances of ranking higher in search results.

  • Keywords: Integrate relevant keywords into your content, but make sure it reads naturally.
  • Quality: Google rewards insightful and valuable content that keeps users engaged.
  • Backlinks: Earned links from authoritative sources can boost your credibility in the eyes of search engines.

Remember, more visibility in search results can lead to increased media exposure, especially when journalists or producers are looking for expert opinions in your niche.

Blogging for Credibility Building

When media professionals come across your blog, what impression do they get?

  • Showcase Expertise: Regularly sharing insightful content can establish you as an authority in your field.
  • Engage with Comments: Engaging with readers can demonstrate your commitment to your community.
  • Showcase Awards and Recognition: If you’ve received accolades, proudly display them.

Blogging for Generating Awareness about Your Brand

Use your blog as a platform to tell your brand story, highlight achievements, and provide insights into your industry. As your audience grows, so does the potential for media coverage. The more unique and engaging your narrative, the more likely media outlets will want to share it.

Blogging to get Booked on TV

TV producers and researchers often look for experts to speak on specific topics. Make your blog a go-to resource in your niche.

  • Visual Content: Incorporate videos or infographics which can easily translate to TV content.
  • Timely Insights: If there’s a trending topic in your field, blog about it. Your timely insights can make you a desired guest.
  • Share Your Availability: Make it clear on your blog or contact page that you’re available for media appearances.

Should you get media training?

Absolutely. If you’re serious about appearing in media—especially live formats like TV or radio—media training can help you communicate effectively, handle challenging questions, and ensure you present yourself and your brand in the best light.

Should you hire a PR firm?

It depends on your goals and resources. If you’re looking for extensive media exposure, a PR firm can help craft a strategy, pitch to media outlets, and prepare you for appearances. However, for many individuals and smaller brands, starting with a solid blog and organic outreach might suffice.

Producers, TV bookers, editors, reporters, bloggers and other “media gate keepers” are always looking for experts who can be on their shows. Imagine, CNN or Fox News with no “talking heads” to be on their shows. It’d be a pretty boring show with anchors just reading the news.

When experts like Dr. Janie, blog about a topic of interest to a particular media outlet, it gives them a chance to consider her as an expert on one of their shows. It’s not just the fact that Dr. Janie blogged, but two important things as well:

  1. Dr. Janie is a credible expert. Her academic resume, her professional body of work and any publicity she’s had to date
  2. Dr. Janie Lacy is well spoken. She’s great on TV (or other media) and can appropriately speak – in quick sound bites if required or longer.

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How To Hire a PR Firm To Get Publicity for Your Business(Opens in a new browser tab)

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