
Here’s How to Start Blogging for Your Business

Blogging serves as a powerful marketing tool for businesses, allowing them to disseminate valuable information to their customers while also improving their online presence. A well-crafted blog can effectively showcase a company’s expertise, thereby building trust and credibility among readers.

I’ve started three blogs – (and sold it), (and sold it) and (building it to serve the needs of small business owners). My blogs have been a powerful asset to add in building my speaking business, selling my latest book “Celebrity CEO” and more.

Regular blogging aids in search engine optimization (SEO), improving a website’s visibility and organic traffic. By incorporating targeted keywords and backlinks into blog posts, businesses can rank higher on search engine results pages. Additionally, blogs offer a platform for businesses to engage with their audience, stimulate discussions, and gain insights into customer preferences and behavior. In summary, blogging is a cost-effective marketing strategy that can enhance brand recognition, foster customer relationships, and ultimately drive business growth.

Let’s explore more about the key tips on how to start blogging for your business.

Social Media vs Blogging

social media bans

While both blogging and social media marketing are potent tools for business promotion, they serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics. A blog is a platform where companies can publish in-depth content, showcase expertise, and engage with readers in a detailed manner. It’s an owned channel, and its content is evergreen, meaning it provides value over a long period.

On the other hand, social media marketing involves promoting products or services on social networking platforms. Unlike blogging, social media content is typically brief and more visually oriented. The engagement on these platforms is instantaneous, and the content has a shorter lifespan. However, social media allows for real-time interaction with customers and can reach a broader audience due to its sharing features.

In essence, while blogging is about depth and long-term value, social media marketing focuses on breadth, immediacy, and shareability. Both strategies can work hand in hand: blog content can be shared on social media to drive traffic, and social media can provide insights into what blog topics may interest your audience.

How Does Blogging Help with SEO

Blogging significantly contributes to SEO in several ways. Firstly, creating regular blog content generates fresh material for search engines to index, signaling that your website is actively maintained and relevant. Secondly, blogs afford the opportunity to utilize targeted keywords – the terms and phrases your potential customers might use when searching for your products or services. Including these keywords in your blog posts can improve your visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Moreover, when you create high-quality, informative blog posts, other sites are more likely to link back to your content as a credible source. These backlinks serve as endorsements of your website, which search engines consider a strong signal of authority, and therefore rank you higher in search results.

Additionally, blogs can enhance the user experience by providing valuable information and engaging content, which can increase the time visitors spend on your site – another factor that can positively impact your SEO rankings. By improving your SEO through blogging, your business can enjoy increased visibility, attract more organic traffic, and establish a strong online presence.

Turn Your Podcast Into a Blog

Transcribing your podcast into a blog post is an excellent strategy that can serve multiple purposes. Firstly, it makes your content more accessible to individuals who may prefer to read rather than listen. Secondly, it allows you to reach a wider audience as some people might discover your content via a web search, rather than through a podcast platform. Lastly, this approach provides an additional opportunity to incorporate SEO keywords, which can improve your website’s search engine rankings.

To turn your podcast into a blog, start by transcribing your audio content. There are numerous transcription services available online, both automated and manual, that can help with this process. Next, it’s essential to format the transcription into a coherent and engaging blog post. You may need to add subheadings, bullet points, and images to break up the text and make it easily digestible. Remember, it’s not just about regurgitating the spoken content; it’s about turning it into a captivating reading experience.

Finally, optimize your blog post for SEO. This step includes incorporating relevant keywords, adding alt text to images, and creating a meta description. By transforming your podcast into a blog post, you not only cater to a broader audience but also make the most of your content, thus maximizing your marketing efforts.

Use Your Blog for your Email Newsletter

Your blog can be an incredibly valuable asset for your email newsletter, serving as a regular source of engaging and relevant content for your readers. By integrating your blog posts into your newsletter, you can ensure that your email subscribers are consistently updated with your latest content, enhancing their engagement with your brand and improving the chances of them visiting your website.

Start by selecting key blog posts to feature in your newsletter. These could be your most recent posts, your most popular ones, or posts that are particularly relevant to the current time or situation. Include a brief introduction or summary of each blog post in the newsletter, followed by a link to read the full post on your website. This approach not only provides valuable content for your subscribers but also drives traffic back to your site.

To increase the effectiveness of this strategy, consider tailoring your email newsletter to your audience’s interests. Segment your email list based on subscriber preferences or behaviors, and then send different versions of your newsletter featuring blog posts that are most likely to appeal to each segment. Personalizing your newsletters in this way can lead to higher open and click-through rates, and ultimately, higher engagement with your brand.

In conclusion, leveraging your blog content for your email newsletter can be a powerful way to keep your subscribers informed and engaged, attract more traffic to your site, and strengthen your relationship with your audience.

How to get readers for your blog

Generating traffic for your blog requires a combination of effective strategies and consistency. One of the primary ways to attract readers is by creating high-quality, relevant content that provides value to your audience. The more informative and engaging your blog posts are, the more likely they are to be shared and gain visibility.

Another key strategy involves optimizing your blog for search engines. Using SEO techniques such as incorporating relevant keywords, creating compelling meta descriptions, and generating backlinks can significantly increase your blog’s visibility in search engine results, thereby attracting more readers.

Social media platforms also offer a powerful tool for attracting blog readers. Sharing your blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social networks can help you reach a wider audience. Remember to engage with your followers, respond to their comments, and encourage them to share your posts.

Lastly, consider guest posting on other blogs. This strategy can help you reach a new audience, establish your authority in your field, and create backlinks to your blog. When choosing blogs for guest posting, look for ones that have a similar target audience to your own.

By implementing these strategies, you can increase your blog’s visibility, attract more readers, and build a loyal following. Always remember, growing a blog audience takes time and patience, but the efforts are worth it in the long run.

How to get ideas for your blog topics

Curating fresh and engaging content for your blog regularly may seem challenging, but a plethora of sources can stimulate creativity and generate interesting blog post ideas. These sources could range from customer inquiries, industry news, to your own products and services. The key is to keep an open mind, stay connected with your audience, and stay informed about your industry. Let’s explore a few strategies to help you keep that creative spark alive and the ideas flowing.

  1. Customer Queries: Pay attention to common questions and concerns raised by your customers. These can serve as excellent topics for blog posts.
  2. Industry News: Keep abreast of current trends and news in your industry. Write about your perspective or how these changes affect your business.
  3. Competitor Analysis: Look at what your competitors are writing about. This can inspire you to cover similar topics from a unique angle, or fill in the gaps they may have left.
  4. Keyword Research: Use SEO tools to find out what keywords related to your business people are searching for. Create content around these keywords.
  5. Social Media: Monitor discussions and hot topics related to your industry on social media. This can provide valuable insights into what your target audience is interested in.
  6. Surveys: Conduct surveys among your customers or social media followers to gather ideas about what they’d like to read on your blog.
  7. Webinars and Conferences: Attend industry-related webinars and conferences. The information presented and the questions raised often make for great blog content.
  8. Product or Service Tutorials: Write detailed guides or tutorials about your products or services. This not only provides value to your customers but also showcases your expertise.
  9. Interviews: Interview industry experts, local influencers, or even your employees. Sharing their insights and experiences can make for engaging blog posts.
  10. Case Studies: Write about successful projects, customer experiences, or challenges that you’ve overcome. Case studies are a great way to demonstrate your expertise and success in your field.

The Importance of a Call to Action

Don’t just “blog”. But be sure to also use your blog to cause the reader to TAKE ACTION. Blogging alone can increase traffic to your website, can help with your social media rankings. However, you also want to use your blog to DRIVE ACTION.

While people are reading your blog as when they’re finished reading it, do you want them to “click a link” to sign up for a webinar. Do you want them to buy something from you. Maybe you just want them to keep reading a bit more.

Be purposeful with your blog and having a clear understanding of what you action you want the reader to take.

  1. Medium: A popular blogging platform, Medium offers a clean, distraction-free writing environment, and a built-in audience eager for content. Medium is ideal for businesses focusing on high-quality content and looking for direct exposure without the need to extensively promote their posts.
  2. WordPress: An open-source tool that is often used as a content management system (CMS) for running blogs. WordPress is known for its flexible and customizable nature, allowing businesses to personalize their blogs according to their brand. It also offers numerous plugins to optimize your blog for SEO and social media sharing.
  3. Substack: Substack is a platform that enables writers to publish newsletters and monetize their content directly. Substack is perfect for businesses looking to share frequent updates, insights, or thought leadership with a dedicated subscriber base, and it offers the ability to charge for subscriptions.

Step by step guide to starting your first blog

  1. Identify Your Niche: First, decide what topic you want your blog to focus on. Your niche should ideally be a subject you are passionate about and have good knowledge of.
  2. Choose A Blogging Platform: Select a blogging platform that best suits your needs. As mentioned above, platforms like Medium, WordPress, and Substack are popular choices.
  3. Pick A Blog Name: The name of your blog should be catchy and representative of the content you’ll be creating.
  4. Get Your Blog Online: This involves selecting a hosting provider and a domain name. The hosting provider is where your blog ‘lives’ online whereas the domain is your blog’s address on the internet.
  5. Customize Your Blog: Use the customization options provided by your blogging platform to make your blog visually appealing and reflective of your brand.
  6. Write and Publish Your First Post: Create an engaging, high-quality blog post and publish it.
  7. Promote Your Blog: Share your blog post on social media platforms, email newsletters, and other channels to attract readers.
  8. Engage With Your Readers: Encourage your readers to leave comments and be sure to respond to them. This helps to build a community around your blog.
  9. Monetize Your Blog: Once your blog has gained some traction, consider monetizing it through methods such as ads, sponsored posts, or affiliate marketing.
  10. Maintain Consistency: Regularly update your blog with new content to keep your audience engaged and attract new readers. Remember, consistency is key in blogging.

Marketing blogs

Seth Godin’s Blog:


HubSpot Sales Blog:

Neil Patel Blog:

Social Media Examiner:

Moz Blog:

Quick Sprout:

Buffer Social:

Duct Tape Marketing:



Content Marketing Institute:

Hootsuite Blog:

Sprout Social Blog:

CoSchedule Blog:

Search Engine Journal:

Convince & Convert:

Marketing Land:

Business 2 Community:

Mailchimp’s Blog:

Finance Blogs

Forbes – Personal Finance:

Investopedia – Small Business:

Kabbage Small Business Blog:

NerdWallet Small Business Blog:

The Penny Hoarder – Money:

Money Crashers – Small Business:

Fit Small Business:

QuickBooks Resource Centre:

The Business Finance Guide:

The Frugal Entrepreneur:

The Small Business Bonfire:

Fundera Ledger:

Small Business Labs:

Bplans Blog:

Business Growth, Scaling and Operations

Scaling Up:

Groove Blog:


Growth Hackers:

Tom Tunguz:

Operator Collective:

Kauffman Fellows:


OpenView Labs:

The Startup:

Y Combinator Blog:

Andreessen Horowitz:

Intercom Blog:

First Round Review:

CB Insights:

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