We don’t realize that if we just unlocked the power in our brain, we could live better lives. Dr. Philippe Douyon, is a board-certified neurologist and brain coach who helps people optimize their brains to create the health, lives, and businesses they desire. This interview revealed powerful insights about brain science and how we can leverage our understanding of the brain to overcome obstacles and live more fulfilling lives.
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Who is Dr. Philippe Douyon?
Dr. Philippe Douyon is not just a neurologist with extensive experience treating patients with strokes, epilepsy, and various neurological disorders. He’s also a mindset coach who has personally faced significant health challenges throughout his life. At 18, he was diagnosed with kidney failure and went through college and medical school while managing this condition. Just eight days after graduating from medical school, he received his first kidney transplant, with his father serving as the donor.
Years later, the original disease process returned, necessitating a second kidney transplant. This time, his cousin-in-law Scott, who wasn’t even blood-related, stepped in to save his life. Dr. Douyon attributes his ability to navigate these difficult periods to his knowledge of the brain and its power.
Through his online course “Take Charge of Your Brain“, he aims to help people who feel stuck in challenging situations transform their struggles into testimonies that allow them to better serve the world.
The Journey to Brain Science
Dr. Douyon’s fascination with the brain began early in his life when he witnessed the impact of neurological conditions on his family members—a cousin with epilepsy and a grandmother diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. These experiences helped him appreciate the brain’s immense power when functioning properly and its devastating effects when compromised.
His personal journey with kidney failure began dramatically during his freshman year of college. As a tennis player on scholarship, he failed his physical but was temporarily cleared to play in an important tournament. During his second match, his entire body cramped, and he collapsed on the court. This incident marked the beginning of his journey with kidney failure and set him on a path to impact people’s lives through his understanding of brain science.
Key Insights for Taking Charge of Your Brain
Throughout the interview, Dr. Douyon shared several powerful strategies for optimizing brain function and overcoming obstacles:
1. Take Action When Feeling Stuck
Dr. Douyon illustrated this point with a story about a patient who came to his office in a wheelchair, claiming he could only walk sideways, not forward or backward. After physically helping the patient take the first step forward, the patient was able to continue walking normally.
The lesson? When we feel stuck in life, taking action—any action—is crucial. Sometimes we need someone else to initiate that first step for us, but movement is essential to becoming unstuck. Our brains often get locked in patterns that require disruption through action.
2. Exercise for Brain Health, Not Just Physical Fitness
Exercise isn’t just beneficial for our bodies; it’s arguably even more important for our brains. Dr. Douyon described exercise as “the most powerful trigger promoter of neuroplasticity”—the brain’s ability to form new neurons and connections.
He noted that exercise outperforms all medications as an antidepressant and anti-anxiety treatment. It’s so effective for cognitive function that students perform better on tests if they go for a run an hour before rather than cramming until the last minute.
3. Monitor What You Consume
The foods we eat have a profound impact on brain health. Dr. Douyon shared a remarkable case where he helped a patient with severe epilepsy who had undergone two brain surgeries and was taking seven different medications without success. By simply removing soda from her diet, her seizures stopped for six months—until she returned to drinking Pepsi.
This story raises an important question: Are we willing to make small sacrifices by eliminating things that damage our health and prevent us from creating the lives we want?
4. Transform Your Thought Patterns
Our minds generate between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts daily, with 60-70% being negative and 95% being the same thoughts we had yesterday. This repetitive negative thinking explains why many people struggle to change their lives.
Dr. Douyon emphasized that change begins in the brain—with the thoughts we have about ourselves and our capabilities. Limiting beliefs about not being smart enough, worthy enough, or deserving enough create self-fulfilling prophecies. To change your life, you must first change how you think.
5. Rethink Your Relationship with Alcohol
Toward the end of the interview, Dr. Douyon addressed a controversial but important topic: the negative effects of alcohol on brain health. He explained that alcohol causes brain dysfunction (which manifests as the feeling of being tipsy or drunk) and is associated with dementia, strokes, epilepsy, various cancers, heart disease, and numerous other conditions.
Beyond physical health impacts, alcohol can also impair your mindset and prevent you from creating the life you want. Dr. Douyon recommends eliminating this “poison” from our diets to support optimal brain function.
Therapy vs. Brain Optimization
When asked about the difference between his approach and traditional therapy, Dr. Douyon made an important distinction. While therapists often help by revisiting and working through problems, his approach acknowledges past challenges but focuses on extracting lessons and moving forward.
He cautions that constantly focusing on problems tends to create more of the same problems, as “what you give attention to is where your life will evolve to.” Instead of dwelling on negativity, Dr. Douyon encourages shifting perspective toward the life you want to create.
The Power of Perspective
Perhaps one of the most profound insights from the interview is the power of perspective in shaping our experience. Dr. Douyon observed that even in paradise-like settings with no objective problems, some people still find reasons to be negative. This highlights how our internal thought patterns, more than external circumstances, determine our quality of life.
A Healthy Brain for a Powerful Mind
Dr. Douyon succinctly summarized his philosophy: “You cannot have a powerful brain, a powerful mind, without a healthy brain.” Taking charge of your brain—through action, exercise, proper nutrition, positive thought patterns, and avoiding harmful substances—is the foundation for creating the health, relationships, and success you desire.
By applying the principles shared in this interview and exploring resources like Dr. Douyon’s “Take Charge of Your Brain” course, we can all begin to harness the incredible power of our three-pound universe—the human brain—and use it to overcome obstacles and create more fulfilling lives.
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