5 Ways To Make Your Website Work for Your Business

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A few days ago I was advising someone on some changes they could make to their website. They’re a member of my Celebrity CEO coaching program which helps small business owners build their personal brands and overall grow their businesses.

They asked me to look at their website and see how it could be improved and I immediately saw three ways to make it almost instantly better.

Have a Clear Call To Action

When people visit your website, especially if they’re not so sure what you do or how you can help them, you need to QUICKLY guide them on their next path. They’re at your website what else should they do?

They’re visiting your website to help them solve some problem. Make it easy and clear so site visitors know what to do next. Be it schedule a call, buy something, or any other action you want a site visitor to do.

Leverage Above the Fold

Things that are important, don’t make the user scroll far down to see them. Be sure that the 1 or 2 things that are really important you put ABOVE the fold. For example, having a button to “schedule a call with you”, be sure to have it higher up on the website.

Email Newsletter Sign Up

Email newsletters are a powerful way to connect and stay in touch with future customers and existing customers. Unless you’re running an ecommerce website, most people might not buy from you immediately. For those who are not ready to buy and even those who do buy from you, an email newsletter is a great way to keep in touch.

Every chance you can get to put your brand in front of your customers is a good thing.

[Keep makes great marketing automation software for small businesses – they’re a partner.]

Have a Free Download

A downloadable PDF or document of some sort is a great way to offer people education. Customers want to be educated. Coffee lovers want to know what coffee goes well with – pie? Car enthusiasts want to know the best cars to buy or how to add enhancements to their cars. Business owners want to save on their taxes.

Once someone signs up for your free download, they are automatically, with permission, signed up to an email list.

This is how you ensure your website works for you!

Canva is an easy way to make a great download.

Marketing Automation

Email marketing is powerful. But email marketing is not just about sending an occasional email. Leverage the power of marketing automation to have emails automatically go out. Even more important, emails not just going out, but going out based on actions your subscribers do or don’t do.

[Keep makes great marketing automation software for small businesses – they’re a partner.]

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