Two Powerful Video Editing Apps

video editor clipchamp

Video editing is so important. Video personalizes and humanizes your brand. We wrote about video marketing here.

Two Video tools I’ve been using recently, and really like, are Microsoft’s Clipchamp and WeVideo. Both are very similar and very good.


WeVideo is an online-only video editor, it’s full-featured and works fast and well. It has powerful templates to help you get started with your first professional-looking video. The video editor tool is easy to use yet full-featured.

Since it’s online, you can edit video anywhere and easily collaborate with your team. I’ve used WeVideo to produce several quality videos.

Microsoft Clipchamp

Clipchamp is also really good. It’s software you download to your computer.

I like how fast Clipchamp works and lets me easily manipulate all elements of my video.

WeVideo and Climpchamp are both video editors you should check out.

There are a number of other tools you can consider as well. Both Canva and Adobe have good video editing tools

Of course if you really don’t want to edit video you can hire a video editor, or use UpWork or other marketplaces to find a great video editor.

Whichever route you choose to edit video, do consider creating regular videos for your business.

We wrote about video marketing here, check out this article.

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