
If Biden Bans TikTok, Here Are 5 Things To Do


So there’s buzz that the Biden administration is pressing for TikTok to be sold due to the United States’ national security concerns about this Chinese-owned app.

Although TikTok is a powerful platform that reaches billions of people, It’s best not to rely on only TikTok for your marketing. TikTok shouldn’t be the most important foundation of your marketing or sales.

Marketing expert Jay Baer says to build on your land, not rented land. He expresses that while we should use social media, also be sure to have your email lists, customer lists, and leads on platforms YOU fully control.

Social media is a great way to get attention for your business, as we teach in the Celebrity CEO personal branding blueprint. However, be sure to also build your marketing and sales databases hosted on an email list and CRM platform that you’re paying for and own.

Social media platforms can change their algorithms, permissions, and rules of engagement overnight. What happens if you lose your groups, networks, or communities? Most likely, this may not occur.

However, there’s a growing chance that US customers might lose access to TikTok. If this happens, how will that affect your business? Will you still be able to be in touch with your community?

Do you leverage emails and multiple social networks?

Here are 5 Things You Should Do

  1. Build your email list: Be sure to continue to offer incentives (lead magnets) so people sign up for your email list. Emails are a great way to build trust, which leads to a sale.
  2. Improve your website: make sure it’s optimized for mobile, loads fast, is well-designed, and has an easy way to contact you
  3. Leverage multiple social networks: You don’t have to be on all social platforms but don’t invest just have one. Use 2 or 3. If one goes down, at least you have a backup plan. You can also learn how to build quality relationships with your customers.
  4. Use sales and marketing software: The one you use is not as important as long as you use one. Marketing automation helps you personalize your communication to MANY. CRM software helps you know what your customers want and give them the attention they need.

Mark Schaefer’s new book, Belonging to the Brand, Why Community is the Last Great Marketing Strategy, can help. And of course, check out Ramon Ray’s book “Celebrity CEO” which is all about personal branding.


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