
How To Use Small Business Grants as Income for Your Business

Many companies are applying for a variety of grants and successfully using them to grow their business. As a small business owner, generating income can be one of the toughest tasks to tackle. While most businesses rely on revenue generated from customers, there are other options available. Grants are one such option that can provide a much-needed financial boost. Grants are essentially free money that businesses can use to cover costs or investments. However, not all businesses are aware of the different types of grants available and how to access them. In this blog, we will discuss how to use grants as income for your business.

Related article: Small Business Grants Are A Way To Get Free Cash For Your Business(Opens in a new browser tab)

What’s the difference between grants and revenue from customers?

Revenue generated from customers is a result of the product or services offered by the business. This money is generated from sales and is a direct result of the customer’s decision to purchase the product or service. Grants, on the other hand, are a source of income that is received by a business without any obligation to pay it back. In short, the money received from grants is free.

What are the types of small business grants for business owners?

Small businesses can access different types of grants. These include federal grants, state grants, and private grants. Federal grants are available to businesses that meet specific criteria set by the government. State grants, on the other hand, are given by state governments to businesses that are based in that specific state.

Private grants are offered by private organizations and foundations and are usually tailored towards specific types of businesses.

Are grants difficult to get?

The process of getting a grant is not easy. Businesses have to meet specific criteria, fill out an application, and at times pitch their business idea to a grant committee. However, it is important to note that obtaining a grant is possible. With the right research and preparation, businesses can ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria and have a strong application that stands out.

Do you have to pay back a grant?

Unlike a loan, a grant is money given to a business without the expectation of repayment. However, businesses must use the money for the intended purpose and provide documentation of how the funds were used. Failure to meet the grant’s provisions can result in the business being required to pay back the grant.

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Grants can provide businesses with a much-needed financial boost. While the process of obtaining a grant is not easy, it is worth exploring for businesses looking for a non-traditional source of income. Small businesses have access to different types of grants, including federal, state, and private grants. It is important to understand the criteria and eligibility requirements for each grant before applying. Ultimately, grants can provide businesses with the freedom and flexibility to invest in future growth without the pressure of repayment.

RESOURCE – is a great platform to seek funding for your business.

Here’s some small business grants to look into for your business

  1. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program: This competitive program encourages small businesses to engage in federal research and development with the potential for commercialization.
  2. Small Business Technology Transfer Program (STTR): STTR grants are intended to stimulate technological innovation by funding cooperative R&D projects involving small businesses and research institutions.
  3. Rural Business Development Grants: Aimed at rural small businesses, these grants are designed to provide technical assistance, training, and other activities leading to the development or expansion of small and emerging private businesses in rural areas.
  4. Economic Development Administration (EDA) Grants: These federal grants are aimed at promoting economic development and innovation in regions experiencing severe economic distress.
  5. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Grants: These grants fund research and development projects for small businesses operating in the technology and manufacturing sectors.
  6. Veteran Small Business Award: This grant is specifically for small business owners who are veterans. It supports their businesses and contributes to the growth of local economies.
  7. Women’s Business Centers (WBCs) Resilience and Recovery Demonstration Grant: The aim of this grant program is to support women entrepreneurs as they recover from the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  8. Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) Grants: These grants specifically support minority-owned businesses, aiming to promote their growth and competitiveness.
  9. USDA Value-Added Producer Grant (VAPG): This grant assists agricultural producers with activities that add value to their products, such as marketing and packaging.
  10. FedEx Small Business Grant Contest: This is an annual competition run by FedEx where small businesses have the opportunity to win a significant grant to help grow their business.

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