Why Self Promotion and Confidence Are Important in Marketing

Recently I was at an event, hosted by Hello Alice and Mastercard. It was a Meet the Media event all about working with the media and getting publicity for your business. One of the business owners who was pitching us had sone some pretty incredible things with celebrities. His hats had been worn by and/or affiliated with several popular ones. However, during his pitch, he said their names “in passing”. I encouraged him to OWN it and be confident and feel he was “hot stuff”

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It’s important to remember how amazing you are and to share that with the world – your future cusotmers!

It’s so easy to forget our own achievements and accolades when we’re focused on what others are doing and how they appear to be doing it better. As an entrepreneur or small business owner, your confidence needs to be at an all-time high. It’s what can set you apart from the competition, and ultimately lead to success. Here are some tips for owning your confidence and believing in your absolute greatness.

Use your past accomplishments for future results

First and foremost, you have to use your past accomplishments for future results. Instead of dismissing past successes or dwelling on past failures – lean into them and allow them to fuel and inspire your future endeavors. Reflecting on these past accomplishments also boosts your self-worth and your confidence in what you are capable of achieving.

Promote yourself

Secondly, lead with kudos and cool things you’ve done! When you talk about what you’ve accomplished thus far, it makes you more relatable and memorable. You’re putting your best foot forward and highlighting your strengths. Remember, no one else is going to do this for you.

Stop Hiding

Thirdly, don’t hide your accomplishments. It’s tough to not be modest, especially when you want to come off as likable or humble, but there’s nothing wrong with being proud of what you’ve accomplished! Being confident isn’t being vain or arrogant. It’s about owning your greatness and sharing that with others.

Be Confident

Fourth, be confident and hold your head high. There’s a lot to be said for having a “take it till you make it” approach. If you can act confident, you can trick others into thinking you are always confident, even if you don’t always feel that way. It’s a mindset shift that can take time, but it’s a game-changer. When you choose to hold your head high, you take up space that is yours and yours alone.

Leverage testimonials

Finally, leverage testimonials for future sales. When you have the confidence to showcase client endorsements or positive feedback and combine it with your own sense of self-assurance, it creates a powerful combination. It serves as social proof that you are great at what you do, and it inspires others to take a chance on you.

There’s no doubt that confidence is a critical trait to develop and nurture as an entrepreneur or small business owner. By owning and showcasing your accomplishments, you can improve your mindset, inspire others, and ultimately lead to greater success. Remember that it’s not just about being confident in your abilities but being confident in yourself as a person. Believe in yourself and your journey, embrace your strengths and weaknesses, and take control of your destiny. You are hot stuff.

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