How to Stop Procrastination in Your Business

Ok, here’s the deal. I’ve been working on my new book, overflowing with excitement, yet somehow, I’ve become a master at the art of procrastination.  It can be all too easy to succumb to the siren call of procrastination. Whether it’s putting off a difficult task, delaying launching a new product, or simply avoiding our to-do list, procrastination can be a major roadblock to success. However, it’s not an inevitable part of running a business. With a little effort and dedication, it’s possible to break free from procrastination and achieve our goals. Here’s five effective strategies for stopping procrastination and boosting productivity in your business.

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Decide What You Truly Want

One of the most common reasons for procrastination is lack of clarity about what we really want. If we’re not sure what our end goal is, it can be difficult to motivate ourselves to take action. That’s why it’s so important to take the time to define your priorities and identify what you truly want to achieve in your business. Once you have a clear vision, it becomes much easier to create a plan and take action.

Create a Plan Filled With Attainable, Tiny Action Steps

When it comes to breaking down big goals into manageable pieces, it’s important to focus on bite-sized pieces that can be tackled right away. Creating a plan filled with attainable, tiny action steps can help you stay motivated and on task, even when the going gets tough. By breaking down complex projects into smaller steps, it’s easier to make progress and gain momentum without getting overwhelmed.

Commit to Doing Them Regularly

Once you’ve identified your goals and created a plan, it’s time to commit to taking action. This means setting aside dedicated time each day or week to work on your tasks, even if you don’t feel like it. By building a routine and sticking to it, you’ll create a strong sense of discipline that can help you stay focused and productive in the long term.

Prioritize Your Goals and Steps to Reach Them

One of the biggest challenges of running a small business is prioritizing competing demands on your time and attention. To combat procrastination, it’s essential to prioritize your goals and steps to reach them. This means focusing on the tasks that will have the biggest impact on your business and aligning your efforts with your long-term objectives. By staying focused on your priorities, you can avoid distractions and move closer to your goals with confidence.

Learn to Say No

Finally, one of the most effective ways to combat procrastination is to learn to say no. As a small business owner, you may be tempted to take on every opportunity that comes your way, even if it doesn’t align with your priorities or goals. However, learning to say no can actually help you stay more focused and productive over the long term. By saying no to distractions and demands on your time, you can free up more space to work on the tasks that matter most.


In conclusion, procrastination can be a major obstacle to success in your small business, but it’s not an insurmountable one. By tackling procrastination head-on and implementing these five strategies, you can build a more productive, effective business that helps you achieve your goals and fulfill your vision. So, take some time to reflect on your priorities, create a plan, and commit to taking action. With a little effort and dedication, you can overcome procrastination and propel your business forward.

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