4 Media Moguls Whose Path to Success Is So Different Yet So Similar

Media Moguls
Media Moguls

There are multiple ways to be a success in business. Four business leaders we profile below show this. Lamar Tyler, Gary Vaynerchuk, Dave Ramsey and Grant Cardone are so different but so similar.

Their similarities is that all four have used the power of community building and education to build massively successful media empires. They all enjoy speaking with and educating their community of fans and followers. All four have distinct personalities and characters.

They differ in their mannerisms and how they project their personal brands.

Lamar Tyler

Lamar Tyler is the leading educator of successful black business owners. Lamar Tyler, with his wife Ronnie are successful serial entrepreneurs who are focused on building black wealth. Lamar is humble, yet confident, smart and a leading expert in marketing and more. His humor, shaved head and whit are endearing to the thousands of business owners he and his team serve every day.

Before Traffic, Sales and Profit (TSP), a community for Black business owners, he and Ronnie built, Black and Married With Kids.

How he’s different: Humble and all about building a community of Black business owners that supports each other.

Gary Vaynerchuk

Gary Vaynerchuk the modern day father of aggressively using online marketing using social media to build a personal brand. Gary went from his father’s small wine shop to millions and millions of videos and social posts across all digital platforms. Gary’s an investor and leads one of the largest agencies – Vayner Media. Gary’s famous for his sneakers, jeans and simple t-shirts. His stage presence is punctuated by salty language and telling it like it is.

He has written several best-selling books, such as “Crush It!” and “AskGaryVee”, where he explores topics ranging from entrepreneurship to social media marketing.

How’s he’s different: Empathy, salty language and always on and highly opinionated

Dave Ramsey

From a card table in his living room teaching financial literacy to the biggest radio show around. Dave Ramsey is one of the leading voices of non-debt and building wealth. He has a huge empire of financial literacy whose foundation is built on a thriving radio show, and flagship entrepreneurship training. Dave Ramsey’s southern drawl and conservative leanings attract a largely faith-based and conservative audience.

He has also written several best-selling books including “The Total Money Makeover” and “Financial Peace”. Moreover, Ramsey founded the Lampo Group, which oversees his other business ventures including Financial Peace University, a program that teaches people how to handle money through video lessons, and Ramsey Solutions, a company offering a range of products and services to help people take control of their finances.

How he’s different: Southern drawl and unapologetically against debt

Grant Cardone

Grant Cardone’s built a thriving empire of real estate and training. This billionaire is brash, bold, arrogant and flashy. He’s got a loyal following of real estate professionals, marketers and even automotive professionals. Grant Cardone’s journey form drug addiction to being a family man has given hope to many.

He has authored several books on sales and personal development, including “The 10X Rule” and “Sell or Be Sold”. He is also the founder of Cardone Capital, a real estate investment company.

Apart from his business ventures, Grant Cardone is known for his high-energy motivational speeches and online presence, where he shares insights on sales techniques, entrepreneurship, and personal development. His approach and style are considered aggressive by some, but it has garnered him a significant following.

Grant Cardone: Brash, arrogant and real estate mogul

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