
How To Build Trust and Confidence Within Yourself

Building Trust

Every entrepreneur aspires to cultivate confidence and trust in their professional relationships. Whether interacting with customers, employees, or colleagues, establishing a foundation of trust is essential for lasting success.

But what if we told you that building a significant level of trust begins within? In a recent interview with Ramon Ray, Glen Gould, a former golf professional turned entrepreneur, author, and speaker, shared valuable insights on this topic. Read on for key takeaways from the interview, lessons learned, and strategies for fostering internal trust and confidence.

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Glen Gould’s Formative Years: Building Trust from the Ground Up

Gould’s journey toward becoming a successful entrepreneur traces back to his early years of learning the value of resilience and building meaningful connections. At the age of 11, following the loss of his father, Gould entered the workforce, setting the stage for a lifetime of learning and growth.

His initial exposure came through a substitute teacher who owned a catering service. This teacher instilled in Gould the importance of dressing well, practicing politeness, and understanding the reciprocity of giving to receive. These foundational principles became the cornerstone of Gould’s approach to life, paving the way for his later success.

A turning point occurred when Gould, alongside his brother, ventured into the golf industry. Working at a country club, he honed his skills as a golf professional and cultivated invaluable relationships. The club’s patrons became mentors who imparted wisdom and insights.

Building Connections That Count

This early experience taught Gould the art of networking and the power of genuine connections. The lessons from the golf industry were not just about the game but also about understanding people, their needs, and the importance of providing exceptional service. Gould’s ability to connect with high-net-worth individuals laid the foundation for his later ventures.

Transitioning into the Chamber of Commerce industry further expanded Gould’s network. This phase equipped him with a deep understanding of economic development and the dynamics of successful individuals. The lessons learned in his early years, combined with his experiences in diverse industries, forged a path for Gould to establish himself as an entrepreneur with a unique perspective on building trust.

Today, as a dry cleaning business owner serving high-net-worth clientele, Gould’s early relationships remain vital. The confidence instilled in him from an early age is evident in his approach to providing exceptional service. His understanding of the importance of personal connections learned on the golf course and in the Chamber of Commerce permeates every aspect of his current role.

Upholding Trust: The Tale of the Versace Robe

One incident illustrating Gould’s commitment to building trust occurred when a customer brought a concern to his attention. This customer, a significant contributor to Gould’s dry cleaning business, had received a Versace robe with an unexpected tear.

Upon receiving the customer’s message, Gould’s initial reaction was not one of defensiveness or evasion but rather a genuine concern for the customer’s experience. He immediately acknowledged the issue, recognizing the importance of taking responsibility from when the item left the customer’s porch.

After investigating the cause of the tear, Gould discovered an internal misstep in the cleaning process. The robe had been pressed inside out, a mistake caused by the presser’s misunderstanding. Despite the oversight, Gould’s commitment to trust and accountability came to the forefront.

Instead of engaging in a protracted back-and-forth or attempting to justify the error, Gould swiftly took action. He issued a check for $1,599 to cover the cost of the Versace robe, demonstrating a willingness to go above and beyond to rectify the situation. This decision reaffirmed Gould’s dedication to his customers and their trust in his business.

This example illustrates Gould’s philosophy of putting the customer first, even when faced with challenges. By promptly addressing the issue, taking responsibility, and offering fair compensation, Gould not only retained the customer’s trust but also showcased the resilience of a relationship that can withstand occasional hiccups.

Read: How To Create New Relationships and Build Trust

Leave People Better Than You Found Them

Whether serving customers, speaking, or sharing his knowledge through his books, Gould lives by the overarching principle of leaving people better than he found them.

 In his dry cleaning business, Gould views his role not just as a provider of service but as a facilitator of positive experiences. His commitment to customer satisfaction goes beyond the surface-level transaction of cleaning clothes; he and his team go the extra mile, even picking up the phone to check in with customers “just because.”

By instilling a culture within his team that prioritizes improving the lives of everyone who comes in contact with their business, Gould ensures each customer interaction is an opportunity to improve someone’s day.

In his speaking engagements, Gould maintains the same mindset. His goal is not just to deliver information but to inspire positive change and growth in those who listen.

Gould would like everyone to share this philosophy — so much so that he believes everyone should consider writing a book to create a lasting impact. Who knows? Maybe you’ll leave people better off, too.

To learn more about Gould or connect with him, visit his website and social media, email, or give him a call at 404-216-8881.

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