Fear of Failure Limits Business Growth Says Survey

fear of failure

The fear of failure is one reason many businesses never start, reports BizJournals. They’re quoting Rising Entrepreneurs: Pathways to Small Business Formation report from Justworks and The Harris Poll. Fear is a real thing, in our minds. It can propel us forward or keep us back.

One reason I didn’t leave the United Nations for years was fear. I had a family, for sure, so I had a “healthy fear” of needing and wanting to provide for them. But if my contract hadn’t been renewed, I wonder would I have ever left the United Nations? Would I have let fear keep me there forever?

Starting a business is scary. The fear of failure looms large. But this fear shouldn’t stop you from pursuing your dreams.

Let’s explore why we fear failure and how to overcome it. We’ll delve into the reasons behind our fear, the cost of letting it control us, and strategies to push past it. By the end, you’ll have a toolkit to face your fears and take the first steps towards entrepreneurship.

Why We Fear Failure

The fear of failure in business stems from multiple sources. The unknown is terrifying – launching a business means stepping into uncharted territory where we can’t predict the future. This uncertainty breeds fear. Financial risks play a significant role too. Starting a business often requires substantial investment, and the thought of losing money is frightening. Financial ruin seems like a real possibility. Social judgment adds another layer of fear. We worry about what others will think if we fail. The fear of embarrassment and losing face in our community can be paralyzing. Lastly, self-doubt creeps in. Many of us question our abilities and wonder if we’re good enough to succeed. This lack of confidence in ourselves fuels our fear of failure and makes taking the leap even more daunting.

The Cost of Fear

Letting fear control our actions comes at a high price. Fear keeps us from taking action, causing us to miss out on potential success. Opportunities pass us by as we hesitate and overthink. When fear rules, we don’t grow. We stay in our comfort zone, never pushing our boundaries or realizing our full potential. Our dreams remain unfulfilled, existing only in our imagination. Perhaps most painfully, years later, we may regret not trying. The “what ifs” can haunt us, and we might realize that inaction often leads to more pain than failure ever could. The cost of fear isn’t just missed opportunities – it’s the weight of regret and the knowledge that we never gave ourselves a chance to succeed.

Reframing Failure

To overcome our fear, we need to change how we view failure. Every failure teaches us something valuable. We learn what doesn’t work, gaining knowledge that’s crucial for future success. Failure is normal and part of every entrepreneur’s journey. All successful people have failed at some point – it’s a natural step on the path to achievement. Remember that failure is temporary. A setback doesn’t define you or your business. It’s a moment in time, and you can always try again. By reframing failure as a learning opportunity and a normal part of the process, we can reduce its power to frighten us.

Strategies to Overcome Fear

There are numerous strategies to help overcome the fear of failure. Start small – you don’t need to risk everything at once. Take baby steps and build your confidence gradually. Educate yourself, as knowledge reduces fear. Learn about your industry and understand the basics of business. Preparation breeds confidence. Build a support network by surrounding yourself with supportive people. Join entrepreneur groups and find a mentor. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. Set realistic goals instead of aiming for overnight success. Set achievable short-term objectives and celebrate small wins along the way. Visualize success by imagining your business thriving and picturing yourself as a successful entrepreneur. Embrace a growth mindset, viewing challenges as opportunities to learn and believing in your ability to improve. Finally, plan for setbacks. Expect bumps in the road and have contingency plans. Being prepared reduces fear and anxiety, making you feel more in control.

Taking Action Despite Fear

Even with strategies in place, taking action can be challenging. Remember, you can feel the fear and do it anyway. Acknowledge your fear, but don’t let it stop you. Action builds courage. Focus on the process, not the outcome. Concentrate on taking the next step rather than obsessing over the end result. Progress is what matters. Break large goals into manageable chunks. Tackle one thing at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Use fear as motivation by channeling it into productive action. Let it drive you to work harder and smarter. Taking action, no matter how small, is the key to overcoming fear and moving towards your goals.

Learning from Failure

If you do experience failure, use it as a learning opportunity. Analyze what went wrong by examining the situation honestly. Identify areas for improvement and weaknesses in your approach. Use these lessons to adjust your strategy. Failure provides valuable data – use it to your advantage. Most importantly, try again. Don’t give up after one setback. Persistence is key in business, and each attempt brings you closer to success. Remember, failure is not the opposite of success – it’s a part of success.

Success Stories Born from Failure

Many of today’s most successful entrepreneurs faced significant failures before achieving their goals. Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper for “lacking imagination” before he went on to create an entertainment empire. Steve Jobs was ousted from Apple, the company he co-founded, only to return years later and lead it to unprecedented success. Arianna Huffington’s second book was rejected by 36 publishers before she persevered and created the Huffington Post. These stories remind us that failure is not the end – it’s often the beginning of something greater.


Fear of failure is a natural part of the entrepreneurial journey, but it shouldn’t stop you from pursuing your dreams. By reframing failure as a learning opportunity, developing strategies to overcome fear, and taking action despite your doubts, you can move forward on your path to business ownership. Remember, every successful business owner once stood where you are now. They chose to move forward despite their fears, and you can too. Your future success depends on your willingness to try. Start your entrepreneurial journey today – the world is waiting for your unique contribution.

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