Is the Four-Day Workweek Right for Your Business?

The four-day workweek is an increasingly popular alternative to the traditional five-day workweek. This trend has benefitted from the sudden rise of the work-from-home population due to COVID-19. With roughly 40% of all American workers in either hybrid or fully remote settings, more and more businesses are switching to a

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Zone of genius- Healthy habits of entrepreneurs

3 Healthy Habits for Entrepreneurs

When entrepreneurs are in the early stages of starting their ventures, it can feel like navigating open waters without a map. Entrepreneurs will face several challenges throughout their company’s lifecycle, but the challenges they face during the first few years of their business are the key factors determining whether or

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Understand Preferences and Biases to Rig Your Game

Outline: Preference vs. Binary | Building a System That Helps You Get Where You Want | The Answer To Distinguishing Preference vs. Binary | Final Thoughts Although some of us are born as we are and don’t veer from our authentic selves for even a second, some of us become

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Female employee feeling refreshed and happy to return back to work after the holidays

7 Ways to Refresh From Work This Holiday Season

The holiday season is fast approaching, and with it will come some reprieve from the “usual” work routines.

Whether you work remotely or in an office, the holidays offer an opportunity to slam the laptop shut and unplug, and not just from your devices.

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A woman (with eyes closed) thinking about how to use failures as a strategy to succeed

Using Failure as a Strategy To Succeed

For many people, failure is too heavy a burden to bear. The fear of failing keeps them from ever reaching success because they are too afraid to do anything that might lead to failure.
But there are many ways to use failure as a strategy to up the odds of success. Learning from your mistakes — and the mistakes of others — will lead you to where you want to be.

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A team working together in an office

Leadership: Building Collaborative Workplace Cultures

As a leader, what can you do to build effective and collaborative workplace cultures? You need to model the way. The first step is to use your interpersonal skills to enhance communication and establish relationships with people at all levels across the organization.

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