What Movie Studios Can Teach SMBs About AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer just science fiction—it’s happening in ways we never thought possible. Recent news from Lionsgate and T-Mobile shows how AI is being used to spark creativity, improve customer interactions, and streamline operations. But while the big players are using AI to push the limits, small businesses can also master one key element: how to prompt AI to get the most out of it.

I’ve used both creative and customer-focused AI tools and seen firsthand how the right AI can change workflows, improve customer engagement, and even spark innovation. Here’s how Lionsgate and T-Mobile are using AI—and how you, as a small business owner, can tap into similar power by mastering the art of prompt crafting.

Lionsgate’s Creative Revolution with Runway AI

When Lionsgate, the studio behind John Wick and other big franchises, announced their partnership with Runway—a startup that makes AI tools for creative industries—it was clear they were onto something. As someone who’s used AI tools in creative projects, I can tell you the possibilities are endless.

Runway’s tools make the postproduction process faster and more efficient by using AI to automate parts of video editing and special effects. For example, Runway’s technology allows you to quickly manipulate footage, change backgrounds, and apply special effects that would take hours, if not days, to do manually. Imagine being able to generate visual elements by typing a prompt like: “Create a stormy sky in the background of this action scene.” The AI does the rest in seconds.

It’s no wonder Lionsgate is so excited about this. They’re not just using AI to save time and money—they’re unlocking new levels of creative freedom. For small businesses that produce visual content—marketing agencies, design studios, or small production companies—this could be a big deal. If you can prompt AI correctly, you can create professional visuals in a fraction of the time and effort.

T-Mobile’s AI-Powered Customer Service

Now let’s flip to the other side of the coin: customer experience. T-Mobile recently partnered with OpenAI, the makers of ChatGPT, to upgrade their customer service. I’ve used AI-powered customer interaction tools, and I can tell you they’re getting smarter by the day. But here’s the thing—these tools are only as good as the data and instructions you feed them.

T-Mobile’s approach is interesting because they’re using AI to personalize and improve customer interactions. By feeding OpenAI customer data, T-Mobile is allowing AI models to learn from previous interactions and deliver more targeted and relevant responses. So, when customers reach out for help, they get responses that feel less robotic and more like a human conversation.

Imagine having a chatbot on your small business website that remembers what a customer bought last time, knows their preferences, and recommends products based on that data. That’s not some futuristic dream—it’s happening now. And it’s all down to how well you can prompt the AI. Instead of asking the chatbot to “help customers,” you could ask: “If a returning customer has asked about eco-friendly products multiple times, prioritize recommending new sustainable products.”

The small changes in how you prompt AI can make a big difference to the customer experience. The more personalized the interaction, the more the customer feels valued, and the more likely they are to come back.

The Level Playing Field with AI

While companies like Lionsgate and T-Mobile have big budgets, the beauty of AI is that it offers a level playing field for businesses of all sizes. Whether you’re a Hollywood studio or a small business owner, mastering AI prompts can unlock the same efficiencies and creativity. AI doesn’t discriminate based on size—it’s all about how well you use the tools. This means even the smallest businesses can compete with the big players if they know how to make AI work for them.

The Secret to AI Success

So how can you, as a small business owner, tap into this magic? The answer lies in mastering your prompts. From my experience, the difference between a basic AI tool and one that feels almost human in its responses comes down to the clarity and detail of the prompts you give.

  1. Be Specific with Your Requests
    AI loves specificity. Just like Lionsgate uses Runway to generate specific visual elements or T-Mobile fine-tunes customer service chatbots with detailed data, your prompts should be clear and detailed. Instead of a vague request like “generate an email newsletter,” try: “Write a newsletter about our new organic product line, highlighting its sustainability, with a call-to-action to shop now.”
  2. Personalize
    AI can help you deliver highly personalized content and customer experiences. Whether you’re sending marketing emails, posting on social media, or handling customer inquiries, think about how you can tailor your AI-generated content to individual preferences. A small change in the prompt like “Recommend products similar to their last purchase” can make a big difference.
  3. Iterate and Test Your Prompts
    One thing I’ve learned from using AI tools is you can’t just set it and forget it. Continuously tweak your prompts and experiment with different variations to get better results. For example, when using AI for social media content creation, start with a basic prompt, then adjust based on the output: “Create a fun and engaging caption for a photo of our latest product in action, targeting eco-conscious millennials.”
  4. Automate Repetitive Tasks
    Lionsgate uses AI to speed up time-consuming tasks in post-production, and you can do the same in your business. AI can take over tasks like scheduling social media posts, automating customer service responses, or even generating marketing reports. The trick is to make sure you prompt it properly, giving it all the information it needs to do the task efficiently.

Final Thoughts

Lionsgate and T-Mobile prove AI isn’t just nice to have—it’s a game changer when used right. For small businesses, the message is clear: AI can help with creativity, efficiency, and customer service, but only if you can master how to talk to it.

Think of AI as a super-smart assistant waiting for your instructions. The more clear, detailed, and specific you are, the better the results will be. Whether you’re creating content like Lionsgate or improving customer interactions like T-Mobile, your AI’s potential is in the prompts you give.

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