Why A Support System Is Important for Being a Better Business Owner

support system

Entrepreneurship is a journey that can often be challenging and lonely, especially when starting out. As a small business owner, you may find yourself wearing many hats, facing uncertain situations, and making tough decisions on a daily basis. However, you don’t have to go through this journey alone. Having a support system can help you navigate the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. Dr. Eric Thomas wrote about this recently in one of this email newsletters. In this blog post, we will discuss why having a support system matters and how to identify individuals who can provide guidance, mentorship, accountability, or resources to support your endeavors.

Why having a support system matters

Entrepreneurship can be isolating, and the feeling of being alone can be overwhelming. Having a support system can help you to manage stress levels, make better decisions, and feel more connected to others. Your support system can also provide you with an outside perspective and valuable feedback that can improve your business. They can also inspire you and help you stay motivated when times are tough. Your support system plays an essential role in your journey towards success.

Who can be a part of your support system?

Your support system might feature your family and friends, business partners, investors, mentors, or allies within your industry. Ideally, your support system should be diverse, including people with different backgrounds, skills, perspectives, and experiences. They should complement your strengths and help you overcome your weaknesses. They should also be trustworthy, dependable, and willing to support you in your endeavors.

How to cultivate and leverage your support system

Building a support system doesn’t happen overnight, but it requires effort and intentionality. Firstly, identify the individuals you want to invest in as part of your support system. Reach out to them and introduce yourself, tell them about your business, and what you hope to achieve. Be clear about your expectations and seek their feedback. It would help if you also created a plan to engage with these individuals regularly. Consider setting up regular meetings for catch-ups or asking for their support on specific projects.

Taking small and big actions

Having a support system is not a passive activity. You need to be proactive in reaching out and nurturing your relationships. Take small actions like sending an email or text message to check in, asking for their opinion on industry trends, or inviting them to attend an event. Taking big actions can involve seeking mentorship, accessing resources, or reaching out for financial support. Remember, your support system is there to help you, but you also have to take steps to cultivate and leverage it.


In conclusion, entrepreneurship can often feel like a lonely road, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Building a support system comprised of individuals who can provide guidance, mentorship, accountability, or resources is critical to your success as a small business owner. Remember, cultivating this support system requires effort and regular communication, but it is worth it. Reach out to your potential allies today and start building your support system. You won’t regret it!

Related: How To Battle Loneliness

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