Stop Underestimating Yourself. No More Self Doubt.

Self doubt

Stop underestimating yourself, it kills you slowly. It’s natural to have certain fears, especially as a person venturing into an unfamiliar area. But don’t fall into the habit of underestimating yourself since it will keep you from realizing your full potential. If any of the following statements apply to you, you are most likely underestimating yourself;

How to know if you are underestimating yourself?

1. Others have to recommend you.

Underestimating yourself doesn’t always mean poor performance, and often, others can see that the work you do is good or has potential. But because you’re never sure if you can do more than what’s on your plate, you don’t reach for other opportunities by yourself much.

2. You have a hard time naming your skills and abilities.

Even if you’ve gotten good results in the past, you might wonder if you’re consistent enough for it all to matter. You also might compare your skills and abilities to others and feel like you can’t possibly dare to toot your own horn given what others are doing and producing. It might be hard for you to complete tasks that require you to identify your strengths (e.g., tweaking your resume) without support from others.

3. Others always come first.

While putting others first can be a sign of wonderful humility, it also can mean that you don’t see yourself as being on the same level as others. You support them or let them go ahead of you because you doubt your worth and ability to succeed.

4. Being around people makes you nervous (even if you’re extroverted).

The problem here is that, even while you might enjoy company, you worry about whether you’ll be able to match others’ expectations and rise to what they want. Deep down, you think they will “find you out”. You might not like company events or other social elements of work like making calls because of this.

How to stop underestimating yourself?

  • Negative ideas must be challenged

Negative ideas may hold back those who undervalue themselves. When you have these self-doubts and fears, try to evaluate them logically to lessen their impact. These thoughts have been implanted in your mind by past events, or insecurities, and none of them are true.

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For example, If you want to audition for a part in a local theater performance, don’t convince yourself you’ll never get it. Tell yourself that you will rehearse and give it your all in the next round of auditions. Think to yourself, “I’m confident that with hard effort and dedication, I’ll be able to do this. Even if I don’t get the lead part, I’ll be happy of my bravery and perseverance.”

  • Make a list of your positive characteristics

Consider instances that have gone well, goals that you have reached, or difficult conditions that you have overcome. Remind yourself that it is appropriate to feel good about yourself and happy of your accomplishments. For a while, go through your list daily, then monthly, and then refer to it in times of self-doubt.

  • Put an end to harmful self-criticism or insults

When your inner voice starts to criticize or doubt your abilities, stop and think about what you are saying. Ask yourself if this is something that you would say to a friend or a relative. Remind yourself that if others in your life do not deserve such harsh or unhelpful critiques, then you won’t benefit from it either.

Related: Stop overthinking

Check this site to read more about how to stop underestimating yourself and reach your zone of genius.

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