Why Being Unapologetically Positive Is Your Key to Success

ramon ray unapologetically positive

The power of positivity is NOT just a slogan. Positivity is a chosen mindset that can dramatically affect your life for the better, if you allow it. If you’ve ever received an email from me, you might have noticed something distinctive in his signature line: “unapologetically positive.” While we often identify tactical SKILLS as being important, the mindset of positivity might very well be the SUPER POWER for our zone of genius.

It’s more than just a catchy phrase—it’s a life philosophy that has helped shape my success as a serial entrepreneur. As publisher of Zone of Genius, and leading small business expert, one huge part of my success has been my mindset, my attitude, my positivity.

But what does it really mean to be unapologetically positive in a world that often seems determined to push us down? Let’s dive deep into this transformative mindset that has become my trademark approach to both business and life.


Positivity Beyond Simple Optimism

Being unapologetically positive isn’t about wearing rose-colored glasses or pretending everything is perfect. As Ramon explains, it’s not about being “Pollyanna-ish” when your car gets wrecked or maintaining a forced smile through genuine hardship. Instead, it’s about making conscious choices in how we respond to life’s challenges.

The philosophy breaks down into three core principles:

  1. Refusing to stay down when life knocks you over – this means acknowledging the fall but making the conscious decision to get back up, every single time
  2. Actively choosing to look for the bright side of situations – not just passively hoping things will get better, but actively seeking out opportunities for growth and learning
  3. Committing to moving forward, regardless of circumstances – understanding that forward motion, even if slow, is infinitely better than standing still in negativity

This approach isn’t just about feeling good—it’s about creating a sustainable mindset that can weather any storm. It’s about building resilience that goes beyond simple positive thinking and develops into a robust life strategy.

The Positive Mindset of Winners

What separates truly successful people from the rest? Whether it’s Simone Biles sticking a difficult landing or Michael Jordan sinking a game-winning shot, top performers share a common trait. According to Ramon, it’s not just about skill—it’s about mindset. While anyone can learn Facebook ads or build landing pages, the game-changing difference lies in attitude.

“90-95% of success is mindset,” Ramon emphasizes. “It’s their mindset towards success, their mindset towards moving over obstacles that makes the difference.”

This winning mindset manifests in several key ways:

  • Persistence in the face of setbacks
  • The ability to see failures as learning opportunities
  • A focus on solutions rather than problems
  • The capacity to maintain composure under pressure
  • An unwavering belief in the possibility of success

Think about any great achievement in history—whether it’s building a successful business, breaking athletic records, or making scientific breakthroughs. Behind each success story is someone who refused to let setbacks define their journey. They maintained an unwavering commitment to their goals, even when circumstances seemed impossible.

Practical Positivity in Action

Imagine you’re about to give an important presentation, and moments before going on stage, you spill coffee on your shirt. How do you react? The unapologetically positive approach isn’t about pretending the coffee stain doesn’t exist. Instead, it’s about:

  • Acknowledging the situation without letting it derail your entire day
  • Avoiding negative thoughts about whoever might have caused the accident
  • Focusing on delivering the best possible presentation despite the circumstances

But let’s go deeper into how this plays out in real-world scenarios:


  • When a major client decides not to renew their contract, focus on the lessons learned and the opportunity to pursue new relationships
  • If a product launch doesn’t meet expectations, analyze the data for insights rather than dwelling on disappointment
  • When facing tough competition, use it as motivation to innovate and improve rather than feeling threatened

Personal Life:

  • During health challenges, concentrate on what you can control rather than what you can’t
  • In relationship difficulties, look for opportunities for growth and better communication
  • When facing financial setbacks, focus on creating new strategies rather than lamenting losses

Professional Development:

  • Turn rejection letters into motivation for improvement
  • Use criticism as valuable feedback rather than discouragement
  • Transform skill gaps into learning opportunities

The Thermostat vs. Thermometer Approach to Being Positive

One of Ramon’s most powerful metaphors compares two approaches to life: you can be either a thermometer or a thermostat. A thermometer merely reflects the temperature of its environment, while a thermostat actively influences it. Being unapologetically positive means choosing to be the thermostat—actively changing the temperature of the rooms you enter rather than simply reflecting the existing atmosphere.

This metaphor has profound implications:

As a Thermostat:

  • You take responsibility for the emotional climate around you
  • You actively work to elevate the mood and energy of your environment
  • You maintain your positive influence regardless of external negativity
  • You become a catalyst for positive change in your community
  • You lead by example, showing others how to maintain positivity in challenging times

Impact on Others:

  • Your consistent positive presence inspires those around you
  • Team members naturally gravitate toward your leadership
  • Difficult situations become more manageable when approached with your positive mindset
  • Your influence creates a ripple effect of positivity in your personal and professional circles

Keeping It Real

It’s crucial to understand that this philosophy doesn’t deny human emotion or vulnerability. Ramon is refreshingly honest about his own challenges: “I got issues, I got family issues. I’m not the best father, not the best husband that I could be.” The key is acknowledging these realities while maintaining a commitment to growth and forward movement.

This authenticity manifests in several ways:

Emotional Honesty:

  • Acknowledging and processing negative emotions
  • Being transparent about struggles while maintaining hope
  • Sharing vulnerabilities to connect with and help others
  • Understanding that positivity doesn’t mean perfection

Growth Through Challenges:

  • Using setbacks as stepping stones to improvement
  • Learning from mistakes without being defined by them
  • Maintaining forward momentum even during difficult times
  • Building resilience through adversity

This approach applies to various life challenges:

  • Chronic illness: Finding ways to live fully despite limitations
  • Mental health struggles: Acknowledging the challenge while seeking support and solutions
  • Physical disabilities: Focusing on abilities rather than limitations
  • Academic disappointments: Using setbacks as motivation for improvement
  • Family conflicts: Finding opportunities for better understanding and communication
  • Past mistakes: Learning from them without letting them dictate your future

The Power of Choice for Your Positivity

At its core, being unapologetically positive is about recognizing and exercising our power to choose. Every day presents new opportunities to reframe our situations and choose our responses. This doesn’t mean every day will bring a complete 180-degree transformation—sometimes the change might be just a small percentage point different. But those small shifts, consistently applied, can lead to remarkable transformations over time.

The Choice Framework:

Situation Assessment:

  • Acknowledge current circumstances
  • Identify elements within your control
  • Recognize potential opportunities

Response Selection:

  • Choose your emotional response
  • Decide on action steps
  • Maintain focus on solutions


  • Take decisive action
  • Monitor progress
  • Adjust approach as needed

Reflection and Growth:

  • Learn from outcomes
  • Celebrate progress
  • Plan next steps

Making the Shift

Ready to embrace an unapologetically positive mindset? Here are some practical steps:

Immediate Actions:

Acknowledge your current reality without letting it define your future

  • Take honest inventory of your situation
  • Identify areas for potential improvement
  • Set realistic but optimistic goals

Look for opportunities to reframe challenging situations

  • Practice finding silver linings
  • Ask “what can I learn from this?”
  • Seek growth opportunities in setbacks

Focus on forward movement, no matter how small

  • Celebrate small wins
  • Track progress consistently
  • Maintain momentum through challenges

Choose to be a thermostat rather than a thermometer in your environment

  • Take initiative in improving situations
  • Influence others positively
  • Maintain your positive stance regardless of circumstances

Remember that being positive doesn’t mean being perfect

  • Embrace imperfection as part of growth
  • Learn from mistakes
  • Keep moving forward despite setbacks

Long-term Strategies:

  • Develop daily positive habits
  • Build a support network of like-minded individuals
  • Create systems for maintaining positivity during challenging times
  • Regular reflection and adjustment of approach
  • Continuous learning and growth

The Bottom Line

Being unapologetically positive isn’t about denial or fake happiness. It’s about making a conscious choice to approach life’s challenges with resilience and determination. As Ramon demonstrates through his own journey, this mindset can become a powerful force for personal and professional success.

The impact of this approach extends far beyond individual success—it creates a ripple effect that influences families, businesses, and communities. When you choose to be unapologetically positive, you’re not just changing your own life; you’re contributing to a more positive and productive world.

Remember: You always have a choice in how you respond to life’s circumstances. Why not choose to be unapologetically positive?

Your Next Steps

  1. Start with one area of your life where you can apply this mindset
  2. Document your journey and track your progress
  3. Share your experiences with others
  4. Build on small successes to create lasting change
  5. Connect with others who share this philosophy

Are you working on developing a more positive mindset? Share your journey and experiences in the comments below. Your story might just inspire someone else to make the shift toward being unapologetically positive. How will you choose to be unapologetically positive today?

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