
Can Everyone Be a Millionaire? Maybe, With This Mindset

Money has a significant impact on our lives, and our relationship with it can shape our financial journey — for better or for worse. In an interview with Toyin Crandell, founder of Toyin Crandell Coaching, Ramon Ray unpacks her journey from financial apathy to business success, providing inspiration and insights for anyone looking to redefine their relationship with money and success. Crandell’s story is a testament to the power of a money mindset shift — one that led her from feeling indifference toward money to setting an ambitious financial goal and achieving it in just three years. Let’s dive into her story.

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The Mindset Shift

For years, money wasn’t a subject Crandell gave much thought to. Money was simply not a topic of interest, and like many people, she believed that life would carry on — with or without a focus on financial stability. Happily married and raising a baby with her husband, Crandell had “legit joy and laughter and love,” she says. “And I was just like, who cares about money?”

In many ways, Crandell didn’t have to care about money, having grown up with a certain level of comfort. Her parents provided what she needed, she went to university on scholarships, and she ran a painting business during college. She graduated from college with tens of thousands of dollars in debt — “because once I started to see money, it couldn’t stay with me,” she says. Yet even then, she worked her way out of debt to become debt-free, thinking she had achieved the pinnacle of financial freedom.

“Until one day, December, 2016, we are living in a little shoebox of a basement apartment with no cell phone service,” she says. Seeing her husband eating the last of a box of chocolates to leave enough food for  Crandell to be able to nurse the baby, Crandell experienced an “aha” moment. “That was my wake-up call. That was the first time I really realized money matters,” she says.

Time Is Precious

From this point, Crandell began her mindset shift, one she’s embraced to build a business that helps other entrepreneurs. That shift doesn’t always happen in the midst of running a business, but it’s an essential step for anyone who hopes to do more than hustle day after day.

You might be sacrificing weekends, time with your partner and children, and other joys of life that are equally important (or more so) as the business you started. “Many people are so busy just running their machines that they don’t even have time for that stuff,” Crandell says. And I tell people, you didn’t start a business to run a business. You started that business to be able to bring that back to your home — to be able to enjoy your actual existence on planet Earth.”

If you’re not currently enjoying the fruits of your labor, it might be time to take stock of your money mindset. Ask yourself: What do I need to adjust? What do I need to change? What help do I need to get to make sure that I can enjoy my life?

“Time doesn’t go backward,” says Crandell. “You can lose money and make money back. But once you’ve lost time, you don’t get that back.”

Ready to Shift Your Mindset?

One of the most ambitious decisions Crandell made was to set a goal to become a millionaire in just one year. While this goal might seem unrealistic to many, she was determined to prove to herself and others that it was possible. Granted, her millionaire aspirations materialized in three years instead of one, but the commitment to her goal never wavered.

How did she get there? It wasn’t just a mindset shift that contributed to Crandell’s success; it required operational changes, too. In addition to taking care of easy fixes like collecting on invoices and following up with clients, Crandell identified four key areas of business that require close scrutiny to optimize finances and grow consistently.

1. Client Attraction

Do you have clients seeking you out consistently? If not, you have a client attraction bottleneck.  Crandell emphasizes the importance of leveraging paid ads to attract clients who align with your business’s values and goals.

2. Conversion

Are people booking calls with you? While attracting clients is essential, converting those leads into paying customers is equally crucial.

3. Client Fulfillment

Balancing the growth of a business with maintaining high-quality service can be a challenge. Crandell underscores the importance of building capacity and internal systems to ensure seamless client fulfillment, providing the best service while accommodating business growth.

4. Operations

Behind every successful business is a well-oiled machine of operations. Crandell emphasizes the need to streamline these operations through effective hiring, automation, and efficient processes.

Ready for a Mindset Shift?

Crandell’s journey from financial disinterest to financial success is a testament to the power of a money mindset shift. It demonstrates the importance of identifying and confronting limiting beliefs, setting bold financial goals, and mastering key areas of business operation.

If you’re inspired by Crandell’s story and are looking to transform your money mindset or level up your business, visit her online at

Can Everyone Be a Millionaire? Maybe, With This Mindset — Featuring Toyin Crandell

Money has a significant impact on our lives, and our relationship with it can shape our financial journey — for better or for worse. In an interview with Toyin Crandell, founder of Toyin Crandell Coaching, Ramon Ray unpacks her journey from financial apathy to business success, providing inspiration and insights for anyone looking to redefine their relationship with money and success. Crandell’s story is a testament to the power of a money mindset shift — one that led her from feeling indifference toward money to setting an ambitious financial goal and achieving it in just three years. Let’s dive into her story.

The Mindset Shift

For years, money wasn’t a subject Crandell gave much thought to. Money was simply not a topic of interest, and like many people, she believed that life would carry on — with or without a focus on financial stability. Happily married and raising a baby with her husband, Crandell had “legit joy and laughter and love,” she says. “And I was just like, who cares about money?”

In many ways, Crandell didn’t have to care about money, having grown up with a certain level of comfort. Her parents provided what she needed, she went to university on scholarships, and she ran a painting business during college. She graduated from college with tens of thousands of dollars in debt — “because once I started to see money, it couldn’t stay with me,” she says. Yet even then, she worked her way out of debt to become debt-free, thinking she had achieved the pinnacle of financial freedom.

“Until one day, December, 2016, we are living in a little shoebox of a basement apartment with no cell phone service,” she says. Seeing her husband eating the last of a box of chocolates to leave enough food for  Crandell to be able to nurse the baby, Crandell experienced an “aha” moment. “That was my wake-up call. That was the first time I really realized money matters,” she says.

Time Is Precious

From this point, Crandell began her mindset shift, one she’s embraced to build a business that helps other entrepreneurs. That shift doesn’t always happen in the midst of running a business, but it’s an essential step for anyone who hopes to do more than hustle day after day.

You might be sacrificing weekends, time with your partner and children, and other joys of life that are equally important (or more so) as the business you started. “Many people are so busy just running their machines that they don’t even have time for that stuff,” Crandell says. And I tell people, you didn’t start a business to run a business. You started that business to be able to bring that back to your home — to be able to enjoy your actual existence on planet Earth.”

If you’re not currently enjoying the fruits of your labor, it might be time to take stock of your money mindset. Ask yourself: What do I need to adjust? What do I need to change? What help do I need to get to make sure that I can enjoy my life?

“Time doesn’t go backward,” says Crandell. “You can lose money and make money back. But once you’ve lost time, you don’t get that back.”

Ready to Shift Your Mindset?

One of the most ambitious decisions Crandell made was to set a goal to become a millionaire in just one year. While this goal might seem unrealistic to many, she was determined to prove to herself and others that it was possible. Granted, her millionaire aspirations materialized in three years instead of one, but the commitment to her goal never wavered.

How did she get there? It wasn’t just a mindset shift that contributed to Crandell’s success; it required operational changes, too. In addition to taking care of easy fixes like collecting on invoices and following up with clients, Crandell identified four key areas of business that require close scrutiny to optimize finances and grow consistently.

1. Client Attraction

Do you have clients seeking you out consistently? If not, you have a client attraction bottleneck.  Crandell emphasizes the importance of leveraging paid ads to attract clients who align with your business’s values and goals.

2. Conversion

Are people booking calls with you? While attracting clients is essential, converting those leads into paying customers is equally crucial.

3. Client Fulfillment

Balancing the growth of a business with maintaining high-quality service can be a challenge. Crandell underscores the importance of building capacity and internal systems to ensure seamless client fulfillment, providing the best service while accommodating business growth.

4. Operations

Behind every successful business is a well-oiled machine of operations. Crandell emphasizes the need to streamline these operations through effective hiring, automation, and efficient processes.

Ready for a Mindset Shift?

Crandell’s journey from financial disinterest to financial success is a testament to the power of a money mindset shift. It demonstrates the importance of identifying and confronting limiting beliefs, setting bold financial goals, and mastering key areas of business operation.

If you’re inspired by Crandell’s story and are looking to transform your money mindset or level up your business, visit her online at

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