LinkedIn’s 25 Big Ideas for 2025

2025 on black backdrop

Every December, LinkedIn News releases bold ideas from its editors and experts around the world, and this year was no different. With the advancements in generative AI, the elections, and an uncertain economic climate, the 2024 business space was a volatile moment. In 2025, practical applications of AI and the shifts in geopolitical power could seriously change business and work relationships.

This article will cover the top ideas from LinkedIn News that have the potential to influence the way we do business in the coming year. These ideas are sourced from experienced gurus around the world in the business space. As we go through these ideas, let’s keep an open mind and find out ways we can inculcate them into our businesses.

AI Will Pave The Way To A Shorter Workweek 

AI has been around for a while, and soon, its integration in business will be a necessity to keep up in the business world. AI will evolve into intelligent assistants that reduce our overall workload and improve our productivity. Over time, these assistants will become fully customizable to handle all mundane tasks and allow us to focus on the creative and strategic aspects of business.

Millennial CEOs will usher in a new era of leadership

2025 has the potential to see a new type of leadership in organizations – the non-founder who rises through the ranks to lead a company. These young millennials leverage their experience from leadership positions at larger firms to step into the top positions at smaller firms. They bring the promise of better listening and communicating in a multi-generational way, so we just have to sit back and see what they offer.

Corporate employees will emerge as the next wave of influencers

With Gen Z’s unyielding demand for brand authenticity, many businesses are set to leverage influencers to make their online presence relatable. These employees will leverage influencer marketing to capture the company’s essence and jump on trends to improve visibility. With the increased demand for these contents, there will be a shift from traditional contracts to in-house influencers.

A new type of intern will be joining the team

With the increasing economic pressure, we are set to see a flurry of retired Americans troop back into the work space. This will eventually change the age and degree requirements for internships and usher in a new type of intern different from what we are used to.

All Investment Roads Will Lead To The U.S., Once Again

For years, the increasing cost of production in the U.S. pushed economic opportunities to cheaper countries like China and India. However, with the political strain of other major economic powerhouses like Europe and the Middle East, the U.S. is set to reclaim its stand as the leading destination for foreign investment. The U.S.’s unmatched capital strength will entice companies to get closer to their end customers.

Global growth will hinge on how we support workers

In the coming year, economies will invest in their workforce to mitigate the decline in global growth. The global economy still has a legacy of low growth and high debt. Now, these economies are set to focus on making work better for more people to ensure growth. Policymakers will be influential here by making reforms that boost productivity and with the help from the private sector, governments can pull off these reforms. 

Team lunches will become the office hero

Community is a big part of office experience that can improve workers’ productivity. Employers will lean into team meals in 2025 to lure workers back and improve camaraderie amongst them. Companies can offer cheaper and a wider variety of meals to encourage employees to have shared team meals that increase acceptance, trust, and positivity in business.

AI will help build more inclusive workplaces

AI will help improve inclusivity by enabling people with disabilities to join the workforce. Through hands-free computers, screen reading, and other technologies, there will be a boost in productivity. AI could also make recruitment processes more inclusive, and offer learning opportunities to employees including neurodivergent individuals. The coming years will see an increase in demand for these assistive products globally.

CEOs and boards will shift from AI hype to practical use cases

2024 saw a lot of hype and speculations on the extent of AI integration in business processes. In 2025, a lot of these speculations will turn to real-time applications in various sectors. From powering through data, to automating mundane work, AI adaptation will be pivotal for businesses.

We will recast menopause as a vital stage in a woman’s career

The natural process of menopause affects productivity and women have always concealed the symptoms for fear of the repercussions if their employers found out. However, with celebrities opening up about their experiences, the cultural silence is lifting. Companies are now stepping up their efforts to provide better support for menopausal women. From flexible work hours to medical insurance and professional help, these efforts will improve productivity in business and boost employee happiness.

Brands will lean into “nowstalgia”

In 2025, old successes will no longer be enough for legacy brands to remain relevant. They will need to reinvent themselves, leaning on both past and present to appeal to modern audiences. Brands will need to adapt their core products to appeal to their old customers and also reach a younger audience that have not experienced them yet.


Well, those are the ideas with the likelihood to change the face of business in 2025. Now that we are here, one thing we can do is position ourselves to adequately benefit from these ideas. By engaging our resources, and utilizing opportunities, we stand a chance of maximizing profits this coming year. What innovation do you think has the potential to really shake the business world this year?