
Is LinkedIn Premium Worth It? We Rate 5 Features.

LinkedIn Premium

I just got the notification that my LinkedIn Premium Business subscription ($59 a month) is going to renew soon. This is my second round of trying it out. A few days earlier I also got the notification to renew my Twitter Blue subscription – $8.53 a month. Are these subscriptions worth it and should I keep them? Should you keep it and use it? In this article we’ll focus on LinkedIn Premium Business.

LinkedIn Premium Business has several features that COULD be of benefit to you. I put together 5 of the features that could be useful for business owners. I excluded the ones that were more focused on those seeking jobs and could help with resumes.

Red = Not worth it

Green = Worth it

Update your profile with AI

Strengthen your LinkedIn profile and stand out for opportunities with AI‐powered personalized suggestions.

This feature is definitely not a must. You can use ChatGPT for free (or for a lower monthly fee) to enhance or improve your LinkedIn profile

Directly message anyone outside your network with InMail

Use InMail to contact anyone on LinkedIn. Message at least two hiring managers or potential leads a week. This is a VERY good feature to have. However, even though you CAN message those outside your network it doesn’t mean they’ll reply to you. So it’s kind of a 50/50 hit or miss. However, if you have the right offer, it might take just one “yes” or a connection request that you couldn’t get without LinkedIn Premium to make it all worthwhile.

See who’s viewed your profile

When someone views your profile, it suggests that they’re interested in your professional experience. Follow up with profile viewers by asking to connect or sending an InMail. Use this feature very carefully. You don’t want to stalk people or seem creepy. However, if someone has viewed your profile there is SOME interest they have in you. It’s not up to you to nurture the relationship. Maybe you comment more frequently on their posts and “digitally” network.

Display your Premium badge

Signal that you’re serious about making new connections and landing opportunities by showing your Premium status on your profile and next to your name in search results. This is a “nice to have feature” but it’s not so meaningful. Having the badge or not having the badge doesn’t show a connection’s more valuable or not, IMHO.

Use full search access to find the right people

You can view any profile (up to 3rd degree) from search results. Use unlimited search to find the right connections. This is another feature where there’s no guarantee. However it gives you a better connection chance the NOT having LinkedIn Premium.

My vote?

Out of the 5 features that are more or less good for business owners it seems that 3 of them could be very useful. The other 2 are not so useful, they’re more fluff.

If you’re going to put in the work to use LinkedIn premium this could be for you. Can’t hurt to TRY IT.

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