In Down Times Serve Your Customers Even More. They Remember.

sad woman

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the business world in unprecedented ways. There are businesses that have closed down, some have limited operations, and others have scaled down their workforce. With all these happening, the customer is still the most important asset any business can have. It is during these times that customers need you the most, and what you do will resonate with them long after normalcy returns. In this blog, we will explore the importance of serving your customers even more during down times.

Lamar Tyler, founder of Traffic, Sales and Profit, shared this concept, recently. He said that when the “good times” or “regular business” resumes, customers remember who support them.

Let Customers know you care

Communicating with your customers during these times is vital. They need to know that you are still there for them. Reach out to them through emails, social media or chatbots. Let them know how you are coping and that you are available to assist in any way possible. Remember to keep the tone of your messages empathetic and avoid using it as an opportunity to sell your services.

Ask them how you can help

Your customers might have something unique going on in their lives that they require assistance with. It might be a change in their operations, closure of their businesses or slow uptake of their products or services. Ask them how you can specifically assist them. It is important to understand their specific needs and tailor your services to help them in the most appropriate way.

Go beyond normal service

During tough times, your customers require some extra attention. Draw your customers closer to your business by going above and beyond the traditional customer service. This could be in the form of personalized messages, free consultations, discounts or advice on various issues impacting their business. Going the extra mile will make your customers feel valued, build loyalty and they will remember the exceptional service long after the tough times are gone.

Add value to customers in ways that they need

Customers’ needs can change abruptly during tough times, and as a business, you should understand these dynamics. Offer them value that is relevant to their needs. For example, identify their top challenges and craft strategies to assist them in overcoming them. You can provide them with useful resources or connect them with other service providers who can supplement your services.

Be human, not business

Do not let corporate language put you at a distance from your customers. Customers want a connection with the people behind their favourite brands. Share your story, experience and struggles during tough times. This will humanize your business and create a bond that will last a lifetime. Also, show empathy, be understanding and connect with them on a personal level. Remember, businesses are still human, and it is through the human touch that customer loyalty is built.

During tough times, the customer needs you more than ever before. You can prove your worth as a business by serving your customers in meaningful ways. Let them know that you care, reach out to them with personalized messages, exceed their expectations and offer value that is tailored to their needs. Businesses that show empathy, are human and serve their customers well during down times will be remembered for a long time to come.

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