Every Idea Is Not Meant To Be a Business.

Early this morning a friend called me with a product idea in the mental health space. He was raving about the idea and thought it was great. I poured water on his idea and discouraged him from doing it. I felt he should focus on building his current business, and work on the idea later. He said it was a brand-new idea and there was nothing on the market like it. I was skeptical. He wanted to have a product development company take all the risk and do much of the work, to turn the idea into a reality. I thought that had a slim chance of success.

I gave him three choices:

One option is if he REALLY believed in the ideas, as I’ve done many times before, he can use his own money and move forward with the idea.

He can build a “minimal viable product” and sell the product, even to one person. He can test it on investors, on potential buyers. Or he can pre-sell the product, kind of like a crowd-funding campaign and then make it in full.

Point being, rarely, can one just have an idea and have someone else make it for you and do all the work.

Ideas are the foundation of every successful business.

However, not all ideas are meant to become businesses. Let’s explore how to turn your idea into a thriving venture. We’ll cover the importance of distinguishing between mere ideas and viable business concepts, pre-selling your idea, licensing or selling your idea to another business, creating a minimal viable product, and the challenges of execution.

Daymond John is known as saying, rarely are there brand NEW ideas. Most of they time they’re built on making other ideas better or different. It’s the execution and product development and marketing that are the hardest. Ideas are, “a dime a dozen”.

Ideas are the foundation of every successful business. However, not all ideas are meant to become businesses.

Ramon Ray, publisher, ZoneofGenius.com

Some Ideas are Just Ideas, Not a Business

It’s crucial to recognize that not every idea is suitable for a business. Some ideas may be too niche, lacking a substantial market demand. Others may be impractical or too costly to implement. Before investing time and resources into your idea, conduct thorough market research. Identify your target audience, assess the competition, and determine the potential profitability of your concept.

Easy Beginner Business Ideas: Top Picks for Aspiring Entrepreneurs(Opens in a new browser tab)

Pre-selling Your Idea

One effective way to validate your idea is through pre-selling. Create a landing page or a simple website showcasing your product or service. Reach out to potential customers and gauge their interest. If people are willing to pay for your offering before it’s even available, you know you’ve got a promising business idea. Pre-selling helps you secure funding, gather valuable feedback, and build a customer base before launching.

Licensing or Selling Your Idea to Another Business

If you lack the resources or expertise to bring your idea to life, consider licensing or selling it to an established business. This approach allows you to monetize your idea without the risks and challenges of starting a business from scratch. Research companies that align with your idea and have the capacity to implement it. Prepare a compelling pitch and negotiate favorable terms for licensing or selling your intellectual property.

Creating a Minimal Viable Product for Your Idea

To test the viability of your idea, create a minimal viable product (MVP). An MVP is a simplified version of your product or service that includes only the core features. It allows you to gather feedback from early adopters and iterate based on their responses. Building an MVP helps you save time and money while validating your idea in the market. Focus on delivering value to your customers and refining your offering based on their needs.

Five Small Business Money-Saving Ideas (That Really Work)(Opens in a new browser tab)

Ideas are Easy, Execution is Very Hard

While coming up with ideas is relatively easy, executing them is where the real challenge lies. Turning an idea into a successful business requires dedication, hard work, and perseverance. You’ll face obstacles, setbacks, and moments of doubt. However, with a clear vision, a well-defined strategy, and a resilient mindset, you can overcome these challenges.

To execute your idea effectively, break it down into manageable tasks. Create a roadmap outlining the steps needed to bring your idea to fruition. Set realistic goals and deadlines, and hold yourself accountable. Surround yourself with a supportive network of mentors, partners, and team members who share your vision and complement your skills.

Remember that execution is an ongoing process. As your business grows, you’ll need to adapt to changing market conditions, customer demands, and technological advancements. Stay agile, embrace learning, and continuously improve your offerings.

Five Small Business Money-Saving Ideas (That Really Work)(Opens in a new browser tab)


Turning your idea into a business is an exciting and challenging journey. It requires careful evaluation, validation, and execution. By distinguishing between mere ideas and viable business concepts, pre-selling your idea, exploring licensing or selling opportunities, creating an MVP, and focusing on execution, you can increase your chances of success.

Remember, success rarely happens overnight. It takes time, effort, and resilience to build a thriving business. Stay committed to your vision, learn from your failures, and celebrate your achievements along the way.

With passion, perseverance, and a well-executed plan, you can transform your idea into a successful business that makes a meaningful impact in the world.

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