How Do You Handle Self-Doubt in Business?

In a recent post on Traffic Sales & Profit (TSP), a community for purpose-driven entrepreneurs, Lamar Tyler posed a powerful question: “How do you handle self-doubt?” This struck a chord with many small business owners who know all too well the nagging voice that whispers, “You’re not good enough,” “You don’t belong here,” or “Everyone will find out you’re a fraud.” If you have ever wrestled with these thoughts, you’re not alone. But really, how do you handle self-doubt? I have the answers right here.

The Prevalence of Self-Doubt

First, know that self-doubt is a near-universal challenge that comes with the territory of building something from scratch, often with limited resources and while wearing many hats. According to a recent study, 85% of small business owners experience regular self-doubt.

Even big-name entrepreneurs have battled the doubt demon. Arianna Huffington admitted, “I don’t think there’s a single entrepreneur who hasn’t had dark nights of the soul and moments of real self-doubt.” So cut yourself some slack – it’s normal and natural.

The Roots of Self-Doubt

Where does entrepreneurial self-doubt stem from? Often it’s tied to fear – fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, fear of what others will think. We put immense pressure on ourselves to have all the answers and get everything right.

Imposter syndrome also frequently rears its head. We worry that despite outward markers of success, we are frauds on the verge of being unmasked. An estimated 70% of people experience imposter feelings at some point.

Additionally, many small business owners are their own worst critics. We magnify our flaws and downplay our triumphs. But constantly second-guessing ourselves is counterproductive. As L’Oreal CEO Jean-Paul Agon wisely said, “Self-doubt creates limitations. Believing in yourself opens worlds.”

Strategies to Overcome Self-Doubt

So how do we vanquish the voice of self-doubt and prevent it from hindering our success? Here are some go-to strategies:

  1. Reflect on past wins. When doubt descends, remind yourself of all the challenges you’ve overcome and milestones you’ve achieved thus far. You didn’t get here by accident! Keeping a “brag file” of your accomplishments, client testimonials, etc. can help. Regularly review this file to reinforce your confidence and capability.
  2. Focus on your “why.” Reconnect with the deeper purpose behind your business. Who are you trying to help and what impact do you want to have? Let that be your guiding light. When self-doubt creeps in, remind yourself of the lives you’re touching and the difference you’re making. Your “why” is more powerful than any inner critic. Stay anchored in your mission.
  3. Lean on your faith or personal beliefs. Many entrepreneurs find strength in their spiritual foundation. As TSP member Evelyn Haye-Primus shared, “I rely 100% on my faith and what God has spoken to me… I know if I ever make up my mind to do something it will get done!” Whatever your beliefs, connecting to something greater than yourself can provide comfort, guidance, and perspective. It can help you trust that you’re on the right path and equipped with the resources you need.
  4. Reframe negative self-talk. Notice the limiting stories you tell yourself and intentionally flip the script. For example: “I don’t have what it takes” becomes “I’m resourceful and always find a way.” Positive affirmations can rewire your mindset. Pay attention to your inner dialogue and catch yourself when you slip into self-doubt. Challenge those thoughts and replace them with more empowering beliefs. Speak to yourself with the same kindness and encouragement you’d offer a respected friend. Over time, you can train your brain to default to a more confident, capable outlook.
  5. Reach out to your support system. You don’t have to go it alone! Surround yourself with mentors, peers, friends and family who believe in you. Their encouragement can drown out the inner naysayer. Be vulnerable and share your struggles with self-doubt. Chances are, they’ve been there too and can offer valuable insight and support. Participate in entrepreneur communities where you can be real, find camaraderie, and lift each other up. Knowing you have people in your corner can make all the difference in overcoming doubt.

The Takeaway

At the end of the day, know this: The world needs what you have to offer. Your small business is an avenue to share your unique gifts and create value. Don’t let self-doubt dim your light or hold you back from the impact you’re meant to make.

The next time that pesky voice pipes up, take a deep breath and remember: You’ve got this. Respond with confidence and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Believe in yourself even when you’re wrestling with doubt. As author Suze Orman said, “Doubts kill more dreams than failure ever will.”

Together, let’s rise above self-doubt and turn our big visions into reality. A huge thanks to Lamar Tyler and the TSP community for fearlessly tackling this important topic and supporting each other’s growth. Onward and upward!

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