
When Google Search Is Less Important What Should You Do?

Google search

Google, the search engine giant that we all know and love, is about to change in a very significant way. It appears that they will be offering more and more direct answers right on their own platform. This change could result in less traffic being directed towards your website. While this change may be nerve-wracking for small business owners and entrepreneurs alike, there are things that can be done. In this blog, I’ll go through three things you can do to ensure your website continues to receive traffic, and remain popular amongst your target audience.

Optimize for Google as Best You Can

One thing that must be understood is that Google is not your enemy. You can, and should, optimize your content for Google. Use relevant keywords in your blog posts, website pages, and social media posts. Make sure that your website load times are fast, ensure all your URLs are search engine friendly, and that your website content is organized in a logical, and easy to follow manner.

Develop an email newsletter

Creating an email newsletter is key to driving traffic to your website directly. An email newsletter is an effective way to keep your audience informed of new content on your website. It is also a great way to let your audience know when you’re running promotions, sales, and exclusive offers. Not only does this drive traffic to your website, but it also increases the chances of your audience interacting with it, and ultimately purchasing your products or services.

Leverage social media

Social Media is everywhere and should not be ignored. Develop a content strategy that utilizes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media channels. Share your blog articles, post pictures of your products and services, engage with your community, and do anything you can to get your business noticed. Utilizing social media requires consistency. Schedule posts ahead of time, and be creative with the content you post.

Make your website searchable

Ensure your website is easy to navigate, make use of tags and categories, and provide a search function so that users can easily find what they are looking for. The simpler and easier your website is to use, the more likely users will stick around and read your content. This will not only keep your audience engaged, but it will also ensure repeat visits, and potentially lead to deeper engagement.

Focus on quality content

The starting point of any marketing strategy is the content you produce. Create high-quality, authoritative, and informative content that engages your audience and keep them coming back for more. This content should be well-crafted, visually appealing, and always find a way to provide value to your readers. It is essential to remember that quality content is the foundation for a successful website.

Google’s changes may have a significant impact on your website traffic, but this does not mean your site’s popularity has to suffer. There are numerous ways you can stay relevant and popular amongst your target audience. Ensure you optimize your website for Google, develop an email newsletter, use social media to your advantage, make your site searchable, and most importantly, focus on creating high-quality content. By doing so, you can continue to remain relevant and popular amongst your target audience even in the face of change.

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