In a groundbreaking convergence of global financial leadership, the 5th Finance in Common Summit (FiCS) is set to transform Cape Town into an epicenter of sustainable finance discourse. Co-hosted by the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), this summit promises to be a catalyst for revolutionary changes in how we approach global financial sustainability.
The 2025 summit, themed “Fostering Infrastructure and Finance for Just and Sustainable Growth,” brings together an unprecedented assembly of public development banks, private sector innovators, and philanthropic leaders. Against the backdrop of Africa’s vibrant economic hub, participants will explore groundbreaking approaches to sustainable finance, digital innovation, and climate-resilient infrastructure.
The summit offers a rich tapestry of engagement opportunities. World-renowned leaders will deliver compelling keynote addresses, sharing their visions for sustainable financial futures. Interactive plenary sessions will dive deep into pressing global challenges, while specialized breakout sessions will explore cutting-edge technologies and strategies driving climate action and digital inclusion.
Participants will engage in dynamic discussions across three pivotal pillars:
This summit represents more than just another financial conference. It’s a crucial platform where real change happens. With over 2,000 changemakers in attendance, the summit offers unparalleled opportunities to shape the future of sustainable finance. The convergence of public and private sector expertise creates a unique environment for developing actionable solutions to global challenges.
The Finance in Common Summit 2025 is your opportunity to be part of a global movement reshaping sustainable finance. Join this prestigious gathering of minds and contribute to building a more equitable, sustainable world.
Don’t miss this chance to network with global leaders, share innovative ideas, and forge partnerships that will drive sustainable development for years to come. The future of finance is common, and it starts in Cape Town.
Register Now! and learn more about how you can contribute to this global transformation.