Breakfast with Champions

BWC Daily – Ask for Help; It’s Ok to Fail Forward

Become the Best Master Tailor

Confirmation of Synchronicity: Be Willing to Take Imperfect Action and Trust in the Perfect Result – Glenn Lundy

A Guided Meditation Session: Understand the Fear of Imperfection In Order to Overcome It – Larisa Harrington

Ask for Help – Closed Mouths Don’t Get Fed – Barbara Majeski

Focus: Don’t Get Lost in The Sauce, Barbara Majeski

Journey of Imperfection – It’s Okay to Fail Forward – Ramon Ray 

Meritocracy Does Not Exist in Business – Dre Baldwin

Nurturing Your Audience With The Right Message – Babs and the Boys

Setting the Right Expectation – 11 Steps to Build A Successful Business – Judge Graham

Strategic Actions To Eliminate Ghosting by Employers  – Trevor Houston

The Imperfect Actions that Led to Success – Christina Howard and Ramon Ray

The Keys to Conquering Your Fear and Drive Action – Tara Murney 

Fight Perfectionism with Messy Action – Krystalore Crews 

Become the Best Master Tailor You Can Be and Find Other Master Tailors Along the Way – Marvin Reid

There is one key aspect that many entrepreneurs struggle with and that’s the fear of taking action. While it’s important to talk about it, it’s even more important to understand how you can use that fear to move forward. Instead of letting the feeling of fear keep you in the same place, figure out how to use that fear to progress further. You can do that by using strategy, planning, and preparing for the process. So, are you prepared for 2023? Have you put the necessary things in place in order to improve the percentage of your success?

If you really want to achieve your vision, you need to ensure that there is a strategy behind the decisions you are making. So, where to start? There are 3 things you need to do before making the decision that is going to move you forward:

  1. Assess, allocate and take action. The process starts with self-awareness. If you’re not honest with yourself, you’re not gonna make the correct assessment. And if you don’t make the correct assessment, you’re not going to allocate the correct resources and get to the next stage where you can take action. That’s why all of this should come from a place of self-awareness.
  2. Work to become the master tailor. Remember that saying, “measure twice, cut once”? If you work on it, you’ll gradually start to lose the fear of cutting. You’ll get confident with the cutting process. If you have to re-assess the cuts you already made, that’s because you haven’t measured twice. That would be a waste of material, time, or labor. You need to reduce the waste in order to evolve. 
  3. Find other master tailors or people who have the potential to become master tailors. If you find other master tailors, it’s gonna help you become a master tailor yourself. 

There are always going to be hurdles along the way but if you have clarity of mind, you can overcome them. Look back at everything you’ve achieved to understand the power you have within you. If something seems hard or impossible to achieve, you can take inspiration from the milestones you’ve achieved in the past. 

There is a sense of confidence you can get from making mistakes. By taking all that imperfect action, you’re also building consistency and discipline. Take all the imperfect actions you need to take in order to get those perfect results.

Bullet points:

  • If you’re serious about achieving your goals in the coming year, you need to make sure you are consciously making decisions to improve.
  • Assess, allocate, and take action but make sure all of this comes from a place of self-awareness.
  • Work to become the master tailor.
  • Find other master tailors or people who have the potential to become master tailor.
  • It’s about legacy. What type of legacy do you want to create? What examples do you want to leave behind?

Confirmation of Synchronicity: Be Willing to Take Imperfect Action and Trust in the Perfect Result – Glenn Lundy

When you feel connected and bring spirituality into everything you do, it leads to perfect results even if you perform a few imperfect actions along the way. Divine timing is precise in every move and ultimately designed to help you become the best version of yourself you can possibly be. 

Glenn shared an example of how this has shown up in his life. When he moved to Kentucky, he wasn’t a spiritual person and the only place he knew was the bowling alley. At the bowling alley, he met a guy called Darian Sanders who introduced him to church. Through the church, Glenn’s relationship with Darian evolved and at some point, they decided to do a show together called In The Beginning. They were horrible at it in the beginning but by doing it regardless, they both got a lot better, and ultimately the project morphed into a daily show. Meanwhile, Darian’s career took a turn and he got a role on Broadway in The Lion King. Glenn quit his job and founded the 800% Elite Automotive Club and the BWC. Fast forward to 30 October 2022, and Glenn and his son went to see a game in New Orleans where they accidentally found out Darian Sanders is performing in The Lion King right next to their hotel. This prompts the question, would any of this have happened without the initial actions? If he hadn’t gone to the bowling alley, would any of these incredible things have happened?

This is just one example of how imperfect action leads to perfect results. Challenge yourself to take imperfect action. You don’t need to make it perfect. Do the first step and then the rest will follow. Even if the first step doesn’t turn out to be the right one, it will lead you closer to the milestone that’s right for you.

Positive results are an affirmation that you are walking on the right path. They are active affirmations, but we need to be active participants. Everything that you’ve gone through has taken you to the next step but if you aren’t open to taking the chance that’s been given to you, you are not going to get where you want to be. God holds the answers to all the ways. Have faith that imperfect action will lead you to perfect results. That’s what it looks like to walk with purpose. 

Bullet points:

  • Take the first step and then the rest will follow.
  • When you bring spirituality into everything you do and even continue to take imperfect action, it leads to perfect results.
  • The clearer we are about our core values, our passion, and what makes economic sense for us, the easier it becomes to say yes and no.
  • When you get positive results, you’re getting an affirmation that you are on the right path.
  • Positive results are active affirmations, but we need to be active participants as well.

A Guided Meditation Session: Understand the Fear of Imperfection In Order to Overcome It – Larisa Harrington

So many of us won’t even try doing something that’s important to us because we are afraid of failure. If that sounds familiar, remember that everything you do is an opportunity to learn and grow. Larisa led a mindfulness meditation session to help us slow down and recognize how we might be getting in our own way because of some of the beliefs or things we are holding onto. She reminded us that the only thing that’s needed for the practice is to be intentional and present. She asked everyone to find a comfortable position, breathe in, breathe out, and notice how that feels. It’s not about breathing in the right or wrong way but about noticing how your body feels. Sometimes we are not even noticing how many unnecessary thoughts and beliefs we are holding onto. She urged everyone to ask themselves, why is it important for me to slow down? 

There’s nothing wrong with going fast or wanting to get things done. But sometimes we are going so fast in the wrong direction that it results in a burnout. We need to know when it’s time to go fast and when it’s the time to slow down. Larisa invited everyone to use the practice to notice what’s present for them, be it thoughts, sensations, ideas, or memories. When you think about perfection, what comes up for you? What’s the impact that you desire to make? What do you want your legacy to be? If there’s a lack of clarity around any of these questions, that’s okay. It is important to look where you are now and notice if there’s anything standing in your way.

When we stay in that place of “stuck”ness, it’s a choice. Sometimes we need to be able to slow down and really reflect on why we are here. If you are here, that’s because you know you are meant to do amazing things in the world, serve, and share your gifts with others. You don’t have to have everything figured out in order to make a positive impact. Mistakes are how we learn. When we are clear about our purpose and the impact that we want to make in the world, making a mistake doesn’t feel as scary.

Bullet points:

  • Focus on where you are now. Is there anything standing in your way?
  • Mistakes are how we learn..
  • When we stay in a place of stuckness, it’s a choice.
  • Remember that you don’t have to have everything figured out in order to make a positive impact.

Ask for Help – Closed Mouths Don’t Get Fed – Barbara Majeski

If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.” – Nora Roberts

This is a philosophy that many of us have a hard time embracing. We allow ourselves to get caught up in assuming that the answer is “no” before we even ask. But if you don’t ask… the answer is always no.

Ask for help, ask for what you want, ask for an honest opinion. Of course, there are times when you will be told no, but one way to guarantee you never get a yes is to avoid asking altogether. You can leave it to chance or make the opportunity your own.

A common reason we are afraid to ask is because it forces us to let our guards down and get out of our comfort zones. The fear of rejection is so powerful that in order to avoid it, we auto-reject ourselves. You’re going to get some rejections, but that could mean it’s a no for right now. But you have to keep your persistence. Would you rather fail in the pursuit or fail to even attempt it in the first place?

But, if you ground yourself in your why and you are secure in your purpose, you will be relentless in chasing it and asking for what you need. When you’re afraid of sending the email or making the call, remember why you’re doing it. Remember that you have a message that others need to hear. Remember that you have value to share. Remember your purpose; remember who you are. Say things out loud, and don’t be afraid to ask for them. After all, you don’t know the answer unless you ask. Now, go out and get rejected.

Bullet points

  • Things are happening for you, not to you.
  • You can’t control the waves, but you can learn how to surf.
  • Letting go doesn’t have to be sad; it can be a cleansing process so that you can make space for what’s to come next.
  • Keep perspective and inventory on the reality of situations, and remember that no matter what, life will go on.
  • Rejection is redirection.

Focus: Don’t Get Lost in The Sauce, Barbara Majeski

We often get lost in the sauce. We need to focus on one ingredient at a time. Use your time wisely. A listener shared how she uses her driving time to listen to Audible to help distract her mind from the traffic.  

It is not what you say, it is how you say it. Find a way to articulate yourself in a positive way so that gets your message across.

Barbara shared how the holiday season can cause her anxiety to rise. She decided to launch a  6-week challenge to help diminish the stress and to take care of herself. It’s a challenge that includes drinking water regularly,  exercising for 30 min daily and journaling. Her favorite exercise is walking. Exercise helps rejuvenate your brain by letting it access more oxygen, and also eases your stress. 

She is encouraging everyone to take up the 6-week challenge. It begins November 1st until December 24th. The challenge is an opportunity to thrive in a community that supports each other and holds each other accountable. There will be challenges within the challenge and prizes at the end. Let’s all get through the holidays being the better versions of ourselves. Find the challenge at

Bullet points:

  • Don’t get lost in the sauce. Focus on one ingredient at a time.
  • Being held accountable increases your success.
  • Walking brings oxygen to the brain as well as raises your dopamine.
  • When you see a problem, find the solution.

Journey of Imperfection – It’s Okay to Fail Forward – Ramon Ray 

Ramon identifies effortlessly and insightfully with imperfection. People may do things with more perfection and better than him but that does not stop him. Ramon started a blog using the domain He built a company around the domain. He hired a team of writers and graphics people to bring the imperfect idea to perfection. It was 20yrs of imperfect growth. He went on to sell it. He bought another domain then.

The next domain he purchased was He knew he could grow that into something big because he had had success through his prior experience. It was another journey of imperfection. Things lead to things and then these things lead to other things. 

Most recently he was asked by Glenn Lundy to make the Breakfast With Champions (or BWC) platform better. One of his new initiatives is the BWC Daily Newsletter where you will be able to read efficient summaries of the different speakers segments. The newsletter comprises a team of writers working together to get the newsletter out. This requires an investment of time and money to put everything in place. It may not work. He has a positive mindset, but is also a realist. It may be his biggest challenge yet. It will be imperfect at first but eventually it will improve as we learn and grow it. He also spearheads to help everyone Live Life Fulfilled. 

He is trying to bring Glenn’s vision to life through his new initiative, . It’s launching this week and you can sign up to get the daily newsletters at

Keep evolving and getting better. Do not be afraid to make changes. Nurture your business to get better and better. Your first attempt may fail, so figure out why and adjust accordingly. Identify your best clients and focus on them. The important thing is to take action even when things are not perfect. It’s ok to fail forward.

Bullet points:

  • Imperfect action leads to perfect results.
  • Break out and be imperfect. 
  • You won’t know if it works unless you give birth to it. Don’t worry about perfection.
  • Fail forward to success.

Meritocracy Does Not Exist in Business – Dre Baldwin

Business is not a meritocracy. Merely showing up does not guarantee a win. In sports the person or team with the best skills will almost always win. It’s not like that in business. A business owner can be successful because of their systems and not necessarily their skills. 

Business is a two-step process. Let’s use the example of writing a book. You can write the most amazing life-changing book but if you don’t know how to sell it then you won’t make any money from the book. In business you have a product or service but you also need to know how to market and sell it. You have the right ingredients but the wrong recipe. You have to have the right ingredients and the right formula in order to be successful.

Everything in business is subjective. It’s based on people’s opinions and emotions. They want to know how what you are offering will benefit them. In business it doesn’t matter if your product or service is good – it’s about the buyers’ subjective reasoning. You have to be subjectively good at selling your product. 

The winners in business are the ones that create the most and have the most lucrative exchange. They are the ones that are the best at making the sale and not necessarily have the best product. They are the ones that are the best at selling their ideas.

There are 3 aspects that define a business: 

  • Business is a strategocracy. The person with the best strategy wins. They have a plan and execute it well. 
  • Business is a systemocracy. You need to have a system in order to be successful. An apt example would be McDonald’s. They do not have the best quality burgers but they have the best system in place that serves and sells. A system does the heavy lifting so that you don’t have to.  
  • Business is a politocracy. That means that we need to do things to defend, protect or advance our own personal interests. Anything you do to help yourself through other people is politics.  You create a system to execute the business strategy and you use politics to sell it.

Bullet points:

  • Everything in business is subjective.
  • The winners in business are the ones that create the most and have the most lucrative exchange.
  • Business is a strategocracy. Who has the best strategy?
  • Business is a systemocracy. Who has the best system?
  • Business is a politocracy. Who has the best relationships?

Nurturing Your Audience With The Right Message – Babs and the Boys

The one ongoing common thing with the jobs from the 1990s through the current year is the audience. It has been the audience and it will always be the audience. 

You will agree with me that nurturing an audience is a hard nut to crack. However, when you do it with the right message, it becomes easier to navigate. Figuring out your message and also looking for people that understand you and are ready to work with you is an actionable step to success and will lead you to the perfect results you deserve.

Babs and the boys discussed the importance of getting out there and passing the important messages that your audience needs to see. In a time like now, social media is a good source of getting your message out there. It doesn’t matter if you are using TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, or LinkedIn – as long as you give the right message to the right audience, you are on the right path.

Doing what you can’t is the driving principle to reaching above and beyond in your business. This is the key to achieve the unachievable. You can’t meet your goals by sitting and doing nothing. Rather, your goals can only be achieved by taking necessary actions that guarantee your success, one step at a time.  You should also keep in mind that what is worth doing, is worth doing well.

Very often people worry too much about things that don’t matter, like negative comments and trolling, without knowing that all these bad energies distract us a great deal from the task at hand. You need to know how to silence the noise, push the distraction aside and get down to business.

Building healthy communication is necessary for business. Focus on actively sending out the right message to your audience.

Bullet points:

  • Keep yourself usefully engaged in the world.
  • Remaining curious and wanting keeps you young and in the game.
  • Be careful not to stay stuck at a point. Learn to move with trends.
  • Worry about the people that like you and stop worrying too much about the people that don’t.
  • Be who you say you are.

Setting the Right Expectation – 11 Steps to Build A Successful Business – Judge Graham

Judge Graham outlined the 11 most important steps to implement in order to build a successful business. 

  1. Verbal and written communication of your version of winning your own expectations:  What is your version of winning? Most times, we get frustrated with our teams, staff for not fulfilling the business expectation, while forgetting we have not clearly articulated what the expectation is. You have to be clear about your  version of winning an expectation.
  2. It must be presented as it did or didn’t: Expectations aren’t made to be vague; they need to be clearly articulated. It’s either black or white. There is no in-between. It’s either you lost a project or you didn’t. It’s either you messed up the job  or you didn’t. Accept it either happened or not and move ahead.
  3. Keep expectations within reach: Your journey from the beginning needs to be realistic. Your team and partners need to understand what winning feels like. 
  4. Your team should buy into your expectations: You need to make sure people you work with buy into your version of winning for the future. Your team, staff, and work partners must buy into that expectation.
  5. You must have all the tools, training, and support to succeed: It’s not only about creating a perfect picture of winning or your expectations. It’s also important to provide all the necessary equipment, training and support for that expectation to become a reality.
  6. What happens when they win or lose: Expectations aren’t hit most times because there is no promised outcome. Articulating a win or a loss will put you in a better position to achieve your expectations.
  7. It has to be measurable: Goals and expectations can’t be hit if you are not measuring them. Daily assessment of your expectations will help you double down on what’s working and what’s not. You must conduct daily assessment and daily visualization.
  8. Make expectations public: When you make your expectations public, you will have a better chance to achieve them than when you keep them private. When you tell people about your expectations, you put pressure on yourself to hit the target.
  9. Review performance regularly: “Can’t manage what you can’t measure”. Constantly reviewing your goals will help you achieve your target expectation and will also give you a chance to optimize your workflow. 
  10. Make yourself available for help: Not suggesting you become a crutch but setting realistic expectations also comes with making yourself available for help. When you make yourself available for help, you discover new insights and new ideas.
  11. You can’t back down: This should be your slogan. You must brace yourselves through the hard times and also celebrate the good times, but you can’t ever back down.

Bullet points: 

  • Be clear while setting your version of a winning expectation.
  • Put healthy pressure on yourself to hit targets.
  • Double down on what is working and let go of what’s not.
  • You either go hard, or go home
  • Backing out is not an option.

Strategic Actions To Eliminate Ghosting by Employers  – Trevor Houston

Getting rejected over and over again can be frustrating. Rejection is now a common trend that is eating deep into society.  

Trevor Houston talked about the action to take to land your first interview to get that dream job. If you are tired of being ghosted by employers, here are 5 actionable steps you should be taking right now to land you that dream job.

  1. Do your research: This is an important yet neglected aspect of getting a job. Create a list of people you want to speak with from your chosen list of companies. This will give you a better guide to taking the next actionable step.
  2. You do not want to connect without value: It’s a norm for people to connect with whoever they are trying to reach, but most people do this the wrong way. This can sometimes lead to spam which you do not want. Rather than connecting, try giving value, trust and credibility.
  3. You need to look for their ‘All Activity’ section: This section on LinkedIn tells you all you need to know about your target person. It shows you their likes, comments and their content. It also gives you the ground to build commonality. If you want to know what you have in common with a person or company, this is the best place for that. It also shows you if a person is active or not.
  4. Follow and ring the notification bell: Going through your potential employers’ activity section isn’t just enough. You have to also follow them and ring the notification bell so as to know when they post new content. This will give you the perfect opportunity to spark a conversation in the comment section. Focus on building value in the comment section.
  5. Engage in their content with a video comment: Engaging in their content with a video comment helps you up your chance to seal the deal by a whopping 81%. It places you in a unique position to win the attention of your potential employers.

Bullet points: 

  • If nobody knows you, nobody flows to you. Learn to connect.
  • Keep on providing value.
  • Just take the first step.
  • Level up and recover your cash flow.
  • Join Trevor’s Career Transition Summit at, if you have been thinking about making a transition, leveling up or regaining your cash flow.

The Imperfect Actions that Led to Success – Christina Howard and Ramon Ray

Breakfast with Champions is bringing you a new newsletter unlike any other. Christina Howard and Ramon Ray discuss how important emails are in business today and their new BWC email newsletter, BWC Daily.

Four key points about email marketing:

  • It’s a critical way to reach out to your customers in an authentic way. Consistent emails are an excellent way to remind people about your business and build trust.
  • Good email campaigns have high open rates. 
  • Good emails always have a good subject line.
  • If possible, take advantage of email campaigns. 

What steps did Christina and Ramon take to build their email strategy?

  1. Hired Christina Howard as the Project Manager
  2. Hired a team of writers from Upwork to curate live content 
  3. One writer was appointed Editor. 
  4. Created a landing page.
  5. Set up an email service provider.

As they work to bring you this fantastic newsletter, understand that it took imperfect actions to get to this place. Even though they’re ready to move forward and bring this product to you, there is still more work to be done. The goal is to fail forward and fail to succeed. 

The Keys to Conquering Your Fear and Drive Action – Tara Murney 

Many people restrict themselves from possibilities due to fear. Tara Murney explains how fear used to drive her, “I started to feel exhausted, like someone was pulling the energy out of me.” Many want to be a “glass is half full” person, but this is easier said than done. How can we disconnect from fear and take imperfect actions to drive perfect results?

Becoming an “active daydreamer” can manifest your dreams through your actions. Don’t just “hope for the best” or wait for someone to open the door for you. Take active steps to plan your way to your dreams. By opening yourself up to any experience, you are giving yourself all the opportunities the universe has in store for you. 

Fear kills more dreams than failure ever has. Push through your fear to take action. Some actions may fail, but through failure, you learn and can take further actions, ensuring growth regardless of the outcome. 

Turn off the noise of the world and listen to yourself honestly. Be vulnerable and acknowledge what you fear. Common fears are death, getting old, regret, or being alone. But once you know what you fear, then you can determine WHY you take the actions you take. All actions we undertake are either out of LOVE or FEAR. Once you figure out if you’re acting in fear or love, you can change what drives you. 

For example: Are you going to work because you FEAR getting fired, or do you LOVE your work? What actions can you take to love your work if your job is driven by fear? Do you need to quit or try to move to a different position? 

”Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” – Dale Carnegie.

Keys To push past your fear:

  1. Key of Confrontation: People who seem to be fearless are really just able to confront themselves and embrace the experience they may fear.
  2. Key of Attitude: Fearless people have self-awareness and confidence because they take control of the world around them. We all have free will to choose how we interact. 
  3. Keys of Expansion: Fears force us to stick to our comfort zones. When we are expanding, we feel uncomfortable. We must lean into this uncomfortable feeling to face our fears and push on.
  4. Key of Responsibility: Wishing for a better life will not do anything for you. Take responsibility for how you feel today. Good or bad. Fully embrace your life and your control over your life. 
  5. Key of giving: To be free of fear, you must learn to “give.” Let go of the feeling of “not having enough” by learning to give freely without expectation. 
  6. Key of Letting Go: Our goal is to lead a happy life, but if we are weighed down by worries about things out of our control, we will not achieve this goal. Once we take responsibility for what we can control, we can let go of the worries and fears of things outside our control.
  7. Keys to Your Tribe: You are who you are around. You get to control the people in your life. Push out the toxic people and embrace those who support your lifestyle and are a positive influence. 
  8. Key of Choice: We can’t predict the future. There is no such thing as “right and wrong” choices. Do not fear the choice. Take action and accept responsibility for the choice. 
  9. Key of presence: By being present in your actions, you do not give fear room to live because you are not focusing on the future or the past. Fear does not live in “now.” It lives in “what if” and “what was.” Being present pushes fear away so you can focus on “what is”. 
  10. Key of Purpose: Determine your purpose, then remove yourself from it. By taking yourself out of your purpose, you allow yourself to let go of “responsibility,” which lets go of any fear of responsibility. Now you and the universe can work together to fulfill your purpose.

Bullet points:

  • Fear kills more dreams than failure ever has.
  • Turn off the noise of the world and be honest with yourself about what you fear.
  • Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” – Dale Carnegie
  • All actions are based in Love or Fear. What drives you?

Fight Perfectionism with Messy Action – Krystalore Crews 

Sometimes we restrict ourselves from “action” because we desire to be “perfect.” Perfection is the enemy of action. If there is no action, there is no ability to gain momentum. Showing up just as you are, as your authentic self, will create a passion for you to determine your action, which will drive you toward your goals. 

There are six steps to help you overcome your self-doubts and restrictions that keep you from your goals: 

Step 1. Know your tendencies. By knowing your personality, you can take steps to overcome the personal barriers or obstacles you may put in place for yourself. Be honest and accept your tendencies first. Then you can work to overcome the challenges you may put in place for yourself. Create one thing you can do each day to challenge these tendencies and put yourself out there, working towards your goal. 

Step 2. Set reasonable goals. Sometimes our goals are “impossible” to achieve because they are so large. However, we can break these goals down into small, achievable ones so we can accomplish something every day. By allowing us to hit a milestone daily and weekly, we build our confidence and momentum. 

Step 3. Realize we have a recipe. We have felt success before. We all have recipes that worked for us in the past. By reusing these experiences, we can take action quickly and achieve those small milestones faster. As we can do this, we can build our confidence.  

Step 4. Take messy action now. Don’t hold back from action. Even if you think you are not “ready,” take action anyway and let it be messy. Messy action is better than NO ACTION. Without action, we cannot improve. The “crappy rough draft” is better than taking zero action. 

Step 5. Track your progress. Keeping track of your progress allows you to reward yourself when you achieve progress or success, be it in small movements or big actions. You can use Krytalore Crew’s free downloadable habit tracker at

Step 6. Celebrate. Celebrate your progress and your achievements. Congratulate yourself on small achievements to reduce burnout. 

Bullet points: 

  • Perfection is the enemy of action. 
  • Messy Action is better than Zero Action.
  • Showing up is half the battle won. Once you show up, you can find your drive. 
  • Small movements should be celebrated to reduce burnout.