
9 Top Facebook Group Alternatives in 2024


If you are a social media manager or a marketer, you are likely aware that community engagement can make or break your brand’s online presence. Facebook Groups was a game-changer when it first emerged, yet many seek alternatives that offer more control, privacy, and flexibility. 

Whether you are searching for a platform specializing in professional networking, education, team communication, or customer support, you no longer have to rely solely on Facebook. In this post, we will explore the nine best Facebook Group Alternatives you should consider in 2024.

1. Skool

With Skool, creating a community around your brand is as easy as setting up a profile. It has various features tailor-made for educators and students, including support for multimedia posts, and live sessions.

Skool also allows you to create different public, private, or hidden groups and fully control who can access your content. The platform is quickly gaining popularity for its simplicity, and forthcoming personalization tools. Moreover, it offers the opportunity to build a community experience that is truly unique to you and your audience.

Key Features of Skool

  • Custom Group Settings: Skool allows users to create public, private, or hidden groups to meet their varying levels of engagement and privacy needs.
  • Multimedia Support: The platform excels in multimedia integration, enabling users to post videos, images, and documents, enriching the learning and engagement experience.
  • Live Sessions: It supports live video sessions within the community, facilitating real-time interaction and learning opportunities.
  • Integration with Learning Management Systems: Skool offers seamless compatibility with popular learning management systems, making it a convenient option for educators and students.
  • Personalization Tools: Upcoming personalization features promise a community experience that can be tailored to meet its members’ specific needs and preferences.

Pros and Cons of Skool


  • Creating private or hidden groups provides superior control over content and member interaction, which is crucial for niche communities and educational settings.
  • Skool’s simple yet effective UI/UX design makes community management and navigation effortless for users of all technical levels.
  • Features like live sessions and multimedia support make engaging and maintaining an active community easier.
  • Its design and features are particularly suited for educational purposes, offering a conducive environment for learning and development.
  • Skool is recognized for its reliable performance and minimal downtimes, ensuring a smooth experience for community managers and members.


  • Given its focus on education and specific group settings, Skool has limited audience reach as it focuses on educational audiences.
  • Personalization tools are yet to be rolled out, which might delay users from experiencing the full benefits.
  • The extent of its integrations and compatibility with other tools may be limiting for some users.
  • Skool may not yet have the general recognition of more established platforms, potentially affecting community growth.
  • For educators or small organizations, the cost of accessing advanced features on Skool can be a barrier.

2. Slack

Slack is a Facebook group alternative and a go-to platform for professional instant messaging, and it has recently expanded its features to support a more community-based interaction. The introduction of Slack Connect enables community managers to connect with other organizations, and share channels and information. Also, its ability to integrate with various tools such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and Trello, among others, makes it an attractive option for communities. Also, this is an excellent option if you want a seamless, centralized platform for communication and organization.

Key Features of Slack

  • Centralized Communication: Slack allows all messages and files to be searchable in one centralized location.
  • Integration with Other Apps: The platform integrates with over 2,200 third-party applications, including Google Drive, Dropbox, and Trello
  • Customizable Channels: Users can create channels for specific topics, projects, or teams.
  • The Slack Connect feature enables organizations to collaborate more effectively by securely connecting and working with other companies and sharing channels and resources.
  • Advanced Security Features: Slack offers enterprise-grade security features, including data encryption in transit and at rest, as well as compliance with various industry certifications and regulations.

Pros and Cons of Using Slack


  • organizational structure and features like channels and threads facilitate more focused and efficient teamwork.
  • ability to customize the workspace and integrate a wide range of apps
  • Slack’s commitment to security ensures that sensitive information is protected, giving businesses peace of mind.


  • With its vast array of features and the continuous flow of messages, users can easily become overwhelmed if channels are not effectively managed.
  • While Slack offers a free version, larger teams and those requiring advanced features must opt for paid plans, which can be considerably more expensive than other alternatives.
  • Learning Curve: New users may find Slack’s various features and customization options daunting, requiring time to adapt to the platform entirely.

3. Mighty Networks

Mighty Networks prides itself on the flexibility it offers for community building. It’s a blend of a social network, a teaching platform, and a content hub, allowing its users to curate a community that goes beyond simple interactions. Community managers can set up subscriptions, host events, and gather member analytics. Mighty Networks empowers creators to build a successful and sustainable business model around their community, making it an ideal choice for those looking for monetization opportunities.

Key Features of Mighty Networks

  1. Enhanced Privacy Controls: Unlike Facebook group where privacy settings are limited, Mighty Networks offers a range of privacy options including public, private, or secret spaces, giving creators full control over who sees and engages with their content.
  2. Monetization Opportunities: Mighty Networks provides built-in tools for creators to monetize their communities directly through subscriptions, memberships, and paid events without the need for third-party plugins or services.
  3. Customizable Spaces: Creators can tailor their community space with custom branding, themes, and layouts, unlike the one-size-fits-all approach of Facebook groups. This ensures a unique and cohesive brand experience for members.
  4. In-depth Analytics: Detailed analytics offer insights into member engagement, content performance, and growth trends, equipping community managers with the data needed to make informed decisions and strategies.
  5. Integrated Learning Management System (LMS): For educators and course creators, the platform offers an LMS feature to create, distribute, and manage courses within the community, enhancing the learning experience beyond what Facebook groups can offer.

Pros and Cons of Using Mighty Networks


  • The platform’s integrated monetization tools enable a seamless transition to a business model that supports community sustainability.
  • The ability to fully customize the look and feel of the community strengthens brand identity and member engagement.
  • Mighty Networks offers greater control over data privacy and ownership, addressing concerns often associated with larger social media platforms like Facebook.


  • The wealth of features and customization options can overwhelm new users, potentially requiring more time and effort to set up and manage effectively.
  • The cost of these advanced features and the platform’s subscription tiers may be prohibitive for smaller communities or those just starting out.
  • Despite its growing popularity, Mighty Networks doesn’t have the same level of universal recognition as Facebook, which may affect initial member acquisition.

4. Circle

Circle provides a focused, distraction-free space where communities can thrive. It’s highly customizable, so you can adapt it to effectively fit your community’s unique needs. The platform’s robust features include discussion threads, member directories, and creating a membership site. With its simplicity and emphasis on community management, Circle is fast becoming a preferred choice for those looking for a balanced and effective community platform.

Key Features of Circle

  1. Customizable Spaces: Circle allows for extensive customization, enabling community managers to tailor the look and feel of their spaces to align with their brand or community identity, something that Facebook Groups can’t offer to the same extent.
  2. Integrated Payment Systems: It supports integrated payment systems for memberships, courses, or exclusive content, facilitating an easier monetization strategy compared to Facebook Groups.
  3. Privacy and Exclusivity: Provides more control over privacy settings and member access, making it ideal for creating exclusive or VIP community experiences that aren’t as feasible on Facebook.
  4. Analytics and Insights: Offers detailed analytics and insights into member engagement and content performance, allowing for data-driven community management and growth strategies.
  5. No Ads or External Distractions: Circle’s ad-free environment ensures that the community remains focused and engaged, without the distractions of external advertising typical on Facebook.

Pros and Cons of Circle


  • The ad-free, customizable environment fosters a more focused and engaged community interaction than Facebook.
  • Integrated payment systems offer direct monetization opportunities without the need for third-party tools.
  • Enhanced privacy settings and exclusive access options provide community managers with greater control over their membership.


  • Learning Curve: The wealth of features and customization options can overwhelm new users or those with limited technical experience.
  • Circle has subscription costs, unlike Facebook Groups, which are free.
  • Transitioning or growing a community outside of the vast user base of Facebook might require more effort and marketing strategies.

5. Discord

Discord has evolved into a social platform where anyone can start a community. What sets Discord apart as a Facebook group alternative is its strong focus on voice, video, and text chat, making it great for real-time interactions. It offers a wide range of integrations, automation bots, and a plethora of user permission settings. Discord is constantly updating and innovating its features, making it an exciting alternative for groups looking to create an immersive and interactive experience for their members.

Key Features of Discord

  1. Real-Time Communication: Discord excels in providing real-time voice, video, and text chat options, offering an immediate and more personal way for members to engage with each other.
  2. Customization and Control: With extensive user permission settings, server administrators have granular control over who can see and access various parts of the community, enhancing privacy and moderation capabilities.
  3. Integration and Automation: The platform supports a wide array of bots and integrations, making it possible to automate tasks, manage events, and sync with other services.
  4. Community Engagement Tools: Features like voice channels, direct messaging, and the ability to create sub-groups (servers) within a larger community cater to various interaction preferences.
  5. Gaming-Centric Features: Although now broader in its appeal, Discord still offers unique features for gamers, such as game streaming, game-specific channels, and integrations with gaming platforms.

Pros and Cons of Using Discord


  • Discord has a free plan.
  • The emphasis on real-time voice and video chat fosters a sense of immediacy and intimacy not often found in text-based platforms.
  • Extensive customization options allow for a personalized community space to grow and evolve with its members.
  • Robust moderation tools and customizable privacy settings give administrators more control over the community environment.


  • It may require a learning curve for new users
  • Group chats limitations

6. Thinkific

Thinkific caters to a very specific audience – those wanting to create and share online courses. It’s a robust platform for community building, focusing on the educational aspects of the community. With Thinkific, you have the advantage of tight integration between course content and community discussions. It allows for threaded forums, tailored roles for members, and member profiles, making it a great tool for educators to interact with their students and for the students to network with each other.

Key Features of Thinkific

  1. Educational Tools Integration: Unlike Facebook Groups, Thinkific is designed with education in mind. It allows creators to integrate quizzes, assignments, and course content seamlessly into the community platform. This integration enables an enriched learning experience that’s not easily replicated in a regular social media environment.
  2. Customized Learning Paths: Thinkific offers the ability to create customized learning paths for students. This means you can guide your community through a structured learning experience, that Facebook Groups cannot provide with their more free-form, discussion-based layout.
  3. Detailed Analytics: With Thinkific, community managers and educators can access in-depth analytics related to course engagement, completion rates, and member participation. This level of detail surpasses the basic engagement metrics on Facebook, providing valuable insights for content and community improvement.
  4. Tailored Member Roles and Permissions: Thinkific allows for the creation of specific roles and permissions for community members, a feature particularly useful for educational communities. This ensures that only the right people can access specific courses or forums, a more cumbersome process in a Facebook Group setting.
  5. Revenue Generation: Unlike Facebook Groups, Thinkific provides built-in tools for monetizing your community through paid memberships, courses, and services. This direct path to revenue generation through the platform is a significant advantage for creators looking to monetize their community engagement.

Pros and Cons of Using Mighty Networks


  • Thinkific’s emphasis on education makes it an ideal platform for communities focused on learning and development.
  • The ability to monetize community engagement directly through the platform can provide a steady income stream.
  • Customizable learning experiences and detailed analytics help in delivering tailored content that meets the needs of the community.


  • The focus on education might make Thinkific less suitable for communities not centered around learning. 
  • It is more complex to set up and manage compared to the straightforward simplicity of creating and running a Facebook Group.
  • The platform comes with a cost.

7. WhatsApp

WhatsApp started as a messaging app and then turned into a more community-focused platform. The platform’s Groups let members share messages, photos, and videos, and with a limited version of their WhatsApp Business API, it’s even possible to provide customer support. It’s a particularly mobile-friendly platform—95% of its users access the app via their smartphones—and offers a simple and effective way to keep a community engaged.

Key Features of WhatsApp

WhatsApp, while primarily a personal messaging app, has robust features for community engagement. Here are five standout features that make it an attractive alternative to Facebook groups:

  1. End-to-end Encryption: All messages in the platform are end-to-end encrypted, providing a level of privacy and security for community conversations that is hard to match.
  2. Multi-Platform Availability: It can be accessed on smartphones, tablets, and even through a web interface on desktops, ensuring members can stay connected from virtually anywhere.
  3. Voice and Video Calls: Beyond text messaging, WhatsApp supports both voice and video calls for up to 8 participants, facilitating more intimate and engaging interactions within the community.
  4. Broadcast Lists: This feature allows admins to send messages to multiple selected members at once, making it easy to disseminate important information quickly.
  5. Easy Media Sharing: Members can effortlessly share photos, videos, documents, and links, enriching the community’s conversational content.

Pros and Cons of Using WhatsApp


  • Free to use
  • With end-to-end encryption, members can communicate securely.
  • Being one of the most popular messaging apps, most people already have it installed, reducing the barrier to entry.
  • The app is straightforward, enhancing the user experience and engagement.


  • WhatsApp groups are limited to 256 members, which may be restrictive for larger communities.
  • Phone numbers are visible to others in the group, which might deter participation due to privacy concerns.
  • Compared to other community platforms, WhatsApp offers fewer tools for admins to manage the group effectively.

8. Discourse

Discourse offers a modern forum experience, combining the best aspects of discussion boards with contemporary social media features. It’s designed to foster long-form discussions and community engagement through an innovative, open-source platform. Discourse supports many integrations, customizing it to suit any community’s needs. Its emphasis on simplicity and quality conversation makes it ideal for communities that value deep discussions and a clean, user-friendly interface.

Key Features of Discourse

  1. Open Source Software: Discourse is fully open, allowing complete control over the platform. This enables communities to customize their forums extensively, tailoring the experience to their needs.
  2. Advanced Moderation Tools: Discourse offers a comprehensive suite of moderation tools to help maintain a positive and respectful community atmosphere. These tools help moderators manage discussions, enforce rules, and prevent spam more effectively.
  3. Seamless Integration Capabilities: Discourse’s support for numerous integrations means it can easily connect with other tools and platforms, enhancing the community experience with added functionalities such as social media sharing, authentication services, and content management systems.
  4. Mobile Optimization: Discourse is designed with a mobile-first approach, ensuring that communities are accessible and engaging on any device. This responsiveness enhances user experience and engagement, keeping community members connected.
  5. Rich Text Editor: The platform features a versatile rich text editor, making it easy for members to create and format posts. This includes embedding multimedia content, and making discussions more interactive and engaging.

Pros and Cons of Discourse


  • Discourse can be tailored extensively to meet the unique needs of a community.
  • Features like the rich text editor and mobile optimization create a more dynamic and engaging user experience.
  • Advanced moderation tools and integrations help maintain a healthy community environment, making administration tasks more efficient.
  • Using Discourse allows for complete control over community data, ensuring privacy and security.


  • Setting up and customizing Discourse can require a good deal of technical know-how, 
  • Resource Intensive: Hosting an open-source platform like Discourse can demand significant server resources, particularly for large communities, potentially leading to higher operational costs.
  • Extensive customizations can be time-consuming compared to plug-and-play platforms.
  • Transitioning an existing community to a new platform or growing a new one on Discourse may require considerable effort to achieve active engagement.

9. Kajabi

Kajabi is a comprehensive platform that allows users to create and sell online courses and build a community around them. It stands out by offering a seamless blend of content delivery, marketing tools, and community features all in one place. Additionally, Kajabi’s community feature lets creators engage with their audience, provide exclusive content, and foster a sense of belonging among members. This platform is particularly suited for entrepreneurs and educators who wish to monetize their expertise while building a tight-knit community.

Key Features of Kajabi

  1. Integrated Course Creation and Community Platform: Kajabi uniquely integrates content creation, marketing, and community features, allowing for seamless interaction between educators and their audience within a single ecosystem.
  2. Customizable Branding: Unlike Facebook Groups, where branding is limited, Kajabi offers extensive customization options, enabling creators to tailor the look and feel of their community to match their brand identity.
  3. Advanced Analytics: Kajabi provides detailed insights into member engagement, content performance, and revenue generation, far surpassing the basic analytics available in Facebook Groups.
  4. Monetization Capabilities: With Kajabi, creators can easily monetize their expertise by selling courses, memberships, and digital products directly to their community, an option not directly available in Facebook Groups.
  5. Email Marketing Integration: Kajabi’s in-built email marketing tools allow for direct communication with community members, facilitating deeper engagement and retention strategies that are not possible within Facebook Groups.

Pros and Cons of Mighty Networks


  • Kajabi is an all-in-one platform that makes it easier for creators to manage their online presence and business operations.
  • Creators can fully brand their community space and courses, offering a unique experience to members and students.
  • Various monetization options
  • Kajabi offers excellent customer support and a wealth of resources for users. 


  • It can be more expensive than other community platforms, especially for beginners or those with a limited budget.
  • Requires a steep learning curve.
  • It lacks some social media integrations and organic discovery opportunities inherent in platforms like Facebook.

Final Thoughts

Each of these Facebook group alternatives offers unique features catering to different communities. Consider your members’ needs and preferences and find a platform that suits you today and has the potential to scale with your community’s growth. Whether you are looking for the robustness of Slack or the immersion of Discord, the future of community engagement is in your hands.

Remember to keep an eye on updates and new entrants to the market, as the landscape of community platforms is constantly evolving to meet the growing demands of various community types and sizes. Therefore, with the right platform, your community can flourish outside the walled gardens of Facebook.

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