Why 6 Figure Businesses Are Not Enough. Here’s Why 7 Figure Goals are Better

For the past almost 2 years I’ve been a part of Traffic, Sales and Profit, with Lamar Tyler. It’s a community of business owners whose mindsets have shifted. We’re about building sustainable businesses, thinking different and where 6-figures is nice but we know it’s only the beginning.

The Limitations of a Six-Figure Business

The six-figure milestone is often seen as the holy grail for new entrepreneurs. It’s a significant achievement, no doubt. But in today’s economic landscape, is it truly enough?

A business generating low six figures – say, $100,000 to $300,000 annually – often struggles to provide the financial cushion many entrepreneurs envision. After accounting for expenses, taxes, and reinvestment in the business, the actual take-home pay can be surprisingly modest.

Consider this:

  • Operational costs eat into profits
  • Self-employment taxes take a bigger bite than many expect
  • Healthcare and benefits must be self-funded
  • Reinvesting for growth becomes a constant trade-off with personal income

The result? Many six-figure business owners find themselves working longer hours for less reward than they anticipated.

The Seven-Figure Advantage

Shifting your target to a seven-figure business – $1 million or more in annual revenue – isn’t just about adding a zero to your income. It’s about transforming your entire business model and, by extension, your life.

A million-dollar business provides:

  • Financial stability to weather economic ups and downs
  • Resources to hire top talent and build a strong team
  • Capital for innovation and expansion into new markets
  • Personal income that matches or exceeds high-level corporate salaries

Building a Sustainable Enterprise

Sustainability in business isn’t just about turning a profit – it’s about creating a system that can thrive long-term, even in your absence.

A seven-figure business allows for:

  • A small, well-compensated team: You can afford to hire specialists rather than generalists, improving overall efficiency and output quality.
  • Robust systems and processes: With more resources, you can invest in better tools, software, and methodologies that streamline operations.
  • Room for innovation and expansion: Higher revenue provides the financial cushion to experiment with new products or services without risking the entire business.

This level of business doesn’t just survive; it thrives. It can handle market fluctuations, adapt to changing customer needs, and continually evolve.

Providing for Your Priorities

A seven-figure business isn’t just about personal wealth – it’s about creating the means to support what matters most to you.

With increased revenue, you can:

  • Support your family comfortably: Beyond basic needs, you can provide opportunities like the best education, travel experiences, and financial security.
  • Contribute to your community: Whether through charitable donations, creating local jobs, or supporting community initiatives, your business becomes a force for positive change.
  • Pursue personal interests and philanthropy: With a stable, high-earning business, you have the time and resources to engage in passion projects or support causes close to your heart.

This level of success allows you to think beyond day-to-day survival and consider your broader impact on society.

Key Elements of a Seven-Figure Business

Know Your Customer

Understanding your customer is the foundation of any successful business, but it becomes critical at the seven-figure level. This isn’t just about demographics; it’s about diving deep into their psychographics, behaviors, and unmet needs.

  • Conduct regular market research to stay ahead of trends
  • Develop detailed customer personas to guide product development and marketing
  • Use data analytics to understand customer behavior and preferences
  • Continuously gather and act on customer feedback

By truly knowing your customer, you can anticipate their needs and position your business as the go-to solution.

Develop a Solid Sales Process

A repeatable, scalable sales process is the engine that drives a seven-figure business. It should be systematic yet flexible enough to adapt to changing market conditions.

  • Map out your entire sales funnel, from lead generation to after-sales support
  • Implement a robust CRM system to manage customer relationships
  • Train your team in consultative selling techniques
  • Regularly analyze and optimize each stage of your sales process

Remember, at this level, even small improvements in conversion rates can translate to significant revenue increases.

Implement Systems and Processes

The leap from six to seven figures often hinges on your ability to create and maintain efficient systems and processes.

  • Document all key business processes for consistency and easy training
  • Leverage automation tools to handle repetitive tasks
  • Implement project management software for better team coordination
  • Regularly audit and optimize your processes for maximum efficiency

Effective systems allow your business to scale without a proportional increase in labor costs or complexity.

Create a Flywheel Effect

The flywheel concept, popularized by Jim Collins, is about creating momentum in your business that builds upon itself.

  • Identify the key drivers of your business growth
  • Invest heavily in these areas to create exceptional value
  • Use the results to fuel the next phase of growth
  • Continuously refine and optimize each part of the flywheel

As your flywheel gains momentum, growth becomes easier and more predictable, propelling you towards and beyond the seven-figure mark.

Establish Core Mission and Values

Your mission and values are the compass that guides your business decisions. They attract like-minded customers and employees, creating a strong, aligned culture.

  • Clearly define your company’s purpose beyond profit
  • Articulate your core values and ensure they’re reflected in all aspects of your business
  • Use your mission to guide strategic decisions
  • Communicate your values consistently in your marketing and branding

A strong mission and clear values can be powerful differentiators in a crowded market, helping you build a loyal customer base and a committed team.

The Path to Seven Figures

Reaching seven figures requires a shift in mindset and approach. It’s not just about working harder – it’s about working smarter and thinking bigger.

  • Strategic planning: Develop a clear roadmap for growth, with specific, measurable milestones
  • Consistent execution: Implement systems to ensure day-to-day activities align with your long-term goals
  • Continuous learning and adaptation: Stay informed about industry trends and be willing to pivot when necessary

Remember, the path to seven figures is rarely linear. It requires resilience, adaptability, and a willingness to learn from both successes and failures.


While a six-figure business is a commendable achievement, a seven-figure business opens up a world of possibilities. It’s not just about personal wealth – it’s about creating a sustainable enterprise that can make a real impact.

By aiming for seven figures, you’re not just growing a business; you’re building a legacy. You’re creating jobs, driving innovation, and contributing to economic growth. You’re setting yourself up to have a broader positive impact on your family, your community, and potentially the world.

The journey to a seven-figure business is challenging, but the rewards – financial, personal, and societal – make it a worthy goal for ambitious entrepreneurs. So think big, plan strategically, and build systems that support growth. Your million-dollar business is waiting to be built.

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