Get Publicity for Your Business

Get More Visibility and Showcase Your Credibility

Get more exposure for your brand.

Founded by Ramon Ray, 5x entrepreneur, 5x author and in-demand keynote speaker, helps small business owners LIVE LIFE FULFILLED. We provide articles, podcasts, online events, in-person events and MORE to help small business owners and entrepreneurs be a success!

3 Ways We Can Help You

Enhance the credibility of your brand

Build your brand recognition

Bring more clients to your digital door step

We Help You Stand Out

You featured in editorial articles

Prominent features in "Top Experts" listings

Listing in the exclusive ZoneofGenius Experts Marketplace

12 Platforms to Monetize Your Expertise and Content

Brand Building and Lead Generation Opportunities for Your Business

Your Brand Featured On

Monthly we’ll feature your expertise on Get your headline, expertise, brand and insights shared to thousands, via You provide us with a suggested headline and a few bullet points and our writers will craft an article featuring YOU, YOUR BRAND and your expertise.

We publish regularly on reaching thousands of readers per week. Our experts, that’s YOU, are our GO TO SOURCE to link to, quote, reference and include in the content we deliver to small business owners and entrepreneurs.

podcast interview

You as a Podcast Guest

The ZoneofGenius Podcast is your opportunity to showcase your expertise. Podcasting is a powerful way to spotlight your brand and connect with an audience. Just show up and share, we’ll do the rest.

Once a month we’ll interview you for the ZoneofGenius Podcast. This not only features your expertise but will also help get you and your brand listed in Apple iTunes and wherever search engines pick up podcast listings.

Not only are you a guest on the podcast but we’ll give you marketing assets to share on your social platform. This is monthly.

Your Appearance In The Rundown with Ramon Show

Join Ramon on The Rundown with Ramon, streamed on USA Today and across Ramon and social networks! This daily show is fun, fast, engaging and rich in information. Join Ramon monthly.

Get Featured to Over 5,000 business owners via Email

The email newsletter is THE place for small business owners to get their dose and digest of insights to grow their business. We’ll feature YOUR brand in regular editions of the newsletter. A good email is STILL one of the most affective mechanisms to reach your desired audience.

Top Expert Feature

Our Top Expert features is an in-demand and viewed components of Get listed in our “Top Experts” features and showcase your brand and credibility to the world.

You’re already a top expert. Now you get “bragging rates” and can showcase and “show off” your expertise with a “top expert” recognition. This is monthly.

Top Professional Speaker Trainers

Expert Premium - $249 Per Month

With your enhanced listing you get a boost of visibility and credibility on, social media and a “top expert” listing.

  1. Monthly feature in a article
  2. Monthly feature in the ZoneofGenius Podcast
  3. Featured expertise in our quarterly online events
  4. Prominent interview in the Rundown with Ramon, streamed to USA Today
  5. Email promotion of your brand to 5,000 (and growing) email subscribers
  6. Listing in
  7. Listing in “Top Experts” lists showcasing your brand to the community

REACH customers and SHOWCASE your expertise to growth minded small business owners and entrepreneurs.

5 Ways You Can Expand Your Brand...

There’s a few options you have to expand you brand and get more noticed (let me know if I’m missing anything)

  • Word of mouth marketing. We find most small business experts do this. They appear at their local chamber, network at events, and other one-to-one marketing options. This is great but slow. And you’ve been doing it for year.
  • Online advertising. Many small business experts are using online advertising, such as Facebook ads to generate leads and grow their business. This works, it just takes time, patience and is “one-dimensional”
  • Social media marketing. This is a digital version of word-of-mouth marketing. And for sure it works. I’m online all the time, posting and sharing. However, often times you wish you had other assets and “social proof” to share with your potential (or current) customers.
  • Main stream media advertising. Few of us do this as it takes a lot of money to do a TV advertisement or effectively use a radio adv or buy a page of advertisement in the Wall Street Journal or New York Times.
  • I’m sure there’s a few others ways.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. There is no long-term contract. You may cancel at anytime. This is a month to month service. We work for YOU and EARN your trust and results every single month.

Within 5 – 7 days of you signing with us we get to work. This includes a detailed interview (in-take form), a positioning call to better understand your business and an inventory of your social media and overall online content.

We get to work as fast as we can. You SHOULD expect to see results within 30 days of us starting to work with you. We’ll quickly schedule you for a podcast interview, help you get your first article published, schedule you for the Rundown with Ramon “LIVE” Show, and the other features of the program.

Through our scheduled group masterminds, you’re welcome to ask questions and get the support you need. While we do not give formal media training, we will give you the strategies and tools Ramon uses to be successful in leveraging media opportunities.

There's a 6th way - Work with and Ramon Ray?

Ramon’s been around for many years and is a leading “small business influencer”.

He’s recognized by dozens of marquee national brands he works with, like Dell, Microsoft and Verizon (and more).

He’s also recognized by the thousands of business owners who learn from him and are motivated by him on a daily basis.

Ramon and is your TICKET to a multi-pronged marketing and branding solution for your personal brand.

Align your brand with a credible small business influencer.

Multi-pronged marketing solution - email, social, articles, video, events.

Quickly get a boost of "social proof" by being featured to thousands of business owners.

Get a drip of digital assets to share on your own social media platform(s).

Get access to Ramon Ray's contacts and network to help you in your business!